25. These Things I've Done

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Couldn't recover the chapter I wrote ughhh ! Basically it's 2 weeks later, Sammi and Scarlett had a heart to heart about her feelings about Kellin in Oregon and Sammi said she had nothing to worry about. There was some cute Sammi and Jinxx moments, a double date with them and Scandy; Andy's getting ready to propose, it's now the day of warped in michigan. and he has been avoiding it but Kellin finally tells her about the night and how she was telling him she loved him and stuff and now he's up to the part where they got back to her house.

"We kinda like had sex." He said looking down and playing with his fingers.

What. Did. He. Just. Say. Like what the actual fuck?

I felt like screaming my head off oh my god I didn't..

"What the hell! How could you take advantage of me like that!" I mean I was piss drunk!

"It wasn't like that! You always made the first move and you were telling me that you wanted to be with me, and that was a sensitive spot for me.. And I was drunk too! I don't see how that's taking advantage. I'd never do anything like that and you know it!" He said getting defensive.

I held my head in my hands, Andy will never forgive me.. "But I know that was a mistake for you, and I was just gonna forget it and not even tell you but now with you being pregnant... Well like we didn't use protection... And the timing makes sense," He continued nervously.

No. There was no way this was happening right now.

"Kellin, are you saying you think you're the father!?" I started to act insane.

"No," he said. Oh thank god. "I know I am."

"How!" There was no way this was going to get better I don't know why I'm even asking.

"I did some research, and you said you started feeling nauseous the day after you went home. You wouldn't have felt sick after one night after conception.. It has to be ours," He started to tear up. Suddenly my anger died down, I know he didn't mean for this to happen, and the last thing he wants to do is mess up my life. But what he said was true, why didn't I question that. I guess I didn't even think anything else was possible.

"This is crazy.. Kellin I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this alone for so long. I mean I know you didn't want to screw up my shit. But this is a big deal, and we have to stick together. Nothing good will come out of pointing fingers," I was proud of my maturity for this one. And then I felt my heart break as I thought of Andy. "Andy's going to be crushed. Like extremely.. He is the most excited one for this baby," I shook my head.

"Ugh Scarlett I'm just so sorry I really didn't want any of this to happen!" He cried.

"Come on," I said dragging him up. "We need to tell Andy now." I wasn't going to let it dwell, but of course he was in an interview and Kellin couldn't wait forever and had to go. I was about to drown myself in alcohol until I passed out so I could get my mind to calm down but then I remembered I can't. No drinks for the preggo. I layed down in our bed and just sobbed hysterically for what seemed like days; until someone tapped my shoulder.

"Scarlett! What's wrong!!" I looked over to see Sammi staring at me super concerned.

"You would never believe it.." I wiped my eyes.

"Oh god what is it!" She hugged me.

"It's not Andy's." I choked out. Sammi tilted her head in confusion.

"The fucking baby! It's not Andy's!" I screamed. Her jaw dropped and she didn't say anything for a while.

"Wha- how-" she mumbled.

"I was blacked out! I don't even remember doing it at all!" I said choppy.

"Doing what?" She was just not following..

"Kellin!" I exhaled and she took a long blink of disbelief.

"No Scarlett no..."

"Yes! I don't know what to do this is going to kill Andy. I would never do anything like this to him you have to believe me! Like I don't even remember one second of this we were drunk and it meant nothing!" I reasoned.

"I know hon. Don't worry, everything will be ok. Andy will get over it, he loves you. It will take a while, but you will still be with him. It's gonna be fine," she reassured me, but I didn't know. She could be wrong. At least and wasn't mad at me. "We have to meet the guys at the stage let's go," she said and we went over but I was in a haze.

The next few hours were a pointless blur, never got any alone time with Andy. Now we were all out to dinner just like last year. Crazy how much can change in a year.. I watched Andy as he smiled and laughed with everyone, so sweet and innocent. He doesn't deserve this, none of us do. I finally am in the best relationship of my life and this has to ruin it! I felt so guilty every second I didn't tell him, but I couldn't in front of everyone. As soon as we leave this place I'm telling him.

I was only half present in the conversations going on at the table because obviously I was preoccupied. And then finally, my chance.

"Can I get you guys anything for dessert or just the check?" The waiter asked.

"Dessert! Dessert!" Jake chanted. The waiter laughed and started passing out menus but when he got to Andy, he stopped him.

"Actually uh, we're gonna pass," he said pointing to me. The waiter nodded and walked off and I looked at Andy curiously. He whispered,

"I was thinking we could go see that tattoo place again, you know for memories and what not..." He seemed a little awkward and tense. He's so strange. I agreed and we got up and left with everyone smiling at us, and Sammi looking really worried. This is the first time Andy and I were alone since yesterday, and I am not gonna miss this opportunity, he needs to know.

We walked slowly until I finally got the courage to say it.

"Hey Andy can we have a serious talk?"

A Devil For Me (Andy Biersack and Kellin Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now