Chapter 39- I Know The Truth And The White Angel

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39 Rejected By My Soul Mate



Chapter 39- I Know The Truth And The White Angel




Sarah P.O.V

“Okay so you do know like your confusing me and scaring the shit out me” I said to the crazy grams.

The lady looked at me with hard but sad eyes that were cold as ice.

“You need to let me explain before you jump to any ideas” the lady said and walked towards me slowly. When she was near me I didn’t move a step knowing from my heart this woman couldn’t hurt me and could be trusted.

“So tell me, will you? Why this is happening and what is going on and who is coming this time” I asked her all of a sudden a little breathless.

“Okay I will but don’t hate me for telling you the truth” she said and then sat down on the grass that was once all green and glossy but now it was all yellowish and green. I ignored the different changes in the place and took a seat beside her.

“Okay women get explaining,” I said in a strong but hush voice.

“All right then here it is the truth. Emma is the Black angel and you are the white angel,” she said and then took a couple of breaths in and then continued on since I didn’t reply back to her previous comment.

“Now I’m telling you this part of the story which I didn’t tell you before because I was scared that you wouldn’t believe me, you see by accident the two angels in anger, hate and sadness hurt each other when they didn’t want too and also the truth is that the wind god planed all this out too.

The wind god planed the two sister’s death because it seemed that he found out that they had the power of the most powerful god. You see when the gods get old or they have found someone trust worthy, they give their powers of to their most desirable angels, so the god that gave the two sisters the powers they had was from one of the top gods. This god controlled everything on earth.” She said then stopped and stayed in a long thought then started off again. I didn’t interrupt her, scared that if I did she would stop talking and never explain to me about my messed up life.

“So to gain the power from the angels, the wind god planned to kill one of the angels with grief and the other with his own hands but then he changed his mind. Because he could have been caught by the gods then he would have been banished from his lands and power, so the wind god came up with an amazing idea and it was to get the angels to kill each other off. So he planned a sachem with a human and the human spread the word about the wind god picking a bride from the most powerful angels. With that you know the story next what happened to the two sisters but what I didn’t tell you was that, what kind of immortals the black angels made and how she made them and also what else I didn’t tell you was how the white angel really died and how the power came in contact with the werewolf’s”. She said then got up on her two feet and started to pace around the fountain in front of us.

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