Chapter 25- The Unknown Man

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25 - Rejected By My Soul Mate

Chapter 25- The Unknown Man

Jason P.O.V

I walked up to the room Asesino and Sarah were in. He wouldn't let anyone inside the room, or neither would he come out. It has been like this for two days. I left him breakfast, dinner out side for him, and the needle food for Sarah. What I think shocked him to the core was when Sarah snapped at him, I don't really blame the girl - she had so much in her life at the moment, I would be surprised if it didn't happen sooner. Plus, me and Amanda are together, so I'm happy. I didn't notice Amanda walking behind me until she grabbed my hand and gave it a nice gentle squeeze. I relaxed a little with her touch but what threw both our minds was ' What should we do with Emma? ' as we both know about what's happening we are both confused on what to do.

Should we tell the pack or our alpha or not? I turned my head around to face a very upset mate. She thought it was all her fault. But I think it was mine because I didn't save them when I could, both Amanda and Sarah. 
I let out a huff of air and knocked on the wooden door and said out loud, " I'm leaving your breakfast out side. Please Asesino, eat some don't leave any food like last time!"

 Asesino peeked around the door to see if anyone else was around me, but no one was since Amanda went to get food.

I gasped at him as he shuffled to the food. He was topless, his eyes no longer twinkling like usual. He was sullen, his eyes sunken and his hair matted. He was so weak, he could barely stand. A skeleton of Asesino was left, his soul had already left - leaving an empty shell behind.

I gasped and slid down the wall staring at him, gobsmacked. He slammed the door, I heard the groan of the bed as he collapsed onto it and fell straight asleep. This had taken more out of him than I thought.

Never in my life have I seen him down like this. Not even when Emma died at that time. Which she didn't. Which was all an act. Amanda felt my wolf stir inside of me with my out of control emotions. She returned, gave me a weak smile and walked out the door leaving me behind as the fill-in Alpha. You see since I'm the beta I can take over the title of alpha only if he let's me, or a situation like this happens. I could also challenge him for the title but what's the point? He has the alpha blood.

I walked into the alpha room which was filled with book-shelves and a big computer, which holds my laptop and same with the other two computers that Asesino owned. I sat down thinking about what I should do about Emma and then it hit me. A clue to understanding all this. Emma was on Dimitri's land, and same with us, but no werewolf came to our aid. Because there's always someone on portal. So why wouldn't have anyone not heard the gun shot?

I leaned back into the chair and started to think about Dimitri.

Is he with Emma now?

Jack P.O.V

I told her not to do that to Amanda, but but no, she had to. I walked into the werewolf's house and walked to Emma's room to only hear her on the phone. I sneaked to the right started to Listen. Don't ask me why I was doing this to my mate, but wait, she wasn't my real mate at all! I knew that since a long time ago. When she came to sleep with anther man. This man was the one making her do all this shit and I know she is talking to him right now.

I tuned out my thoughts and listen to her conversation.

Emma: "Yes I have shot her like you told me but our plan has to be on hold"

Unknown: "My love you did good! But why is our work slowing down? I don't want that."

The man shouted and I felt my blood boil. No matter what she did, the man on the phone always did this too her. I knew the man on the phone had power, but who was this man? Why was he making her do all this? I continued on listening.

Emma: "I'm sorry, I will carry on with the plan."

She stutters out the last then and the last thing the unknown man said was "You better or you will be sorry." and then the line went dead. That was when my queue to walk in, so I did and Emma turned slightly pale due to thinking I heard her conversation with that man.

"Emma I came to tell you your sisters in a coma and hasn't woken up for 2 days, and Asesino's pack is looking for me because that day I walked into stop him marking her." I explained to her like I did with Dimitri.

Emma eyes filled with sadness for just a second when I said "Your sister is in a coma." but they went back to her normal dead eyes that I was use to seeing.

She didn't answer so I walked out the door. If I was a human still, tears would be leaking down my face. What a cruel faith her and her sister shared. But one things for sure, I won't let Emma be the bad guy no more.

Asesino P.O.V

I hate my self, god, and my alarm clock.

I hate my self, because I can't believe I wasn't able to save her and understand that she was in pain. But how are Sarah and Emma sisters? My wolf Blake snorted and I ignored it, like my own other self has been giving me attitude. Stupid wolf. I got a growl and I stepped out of the shower.

I ignored him again and carried on rambling in my head. Soo...where was I? Oh yeah! I was saying how I hated myself, god and my alarm clock. So I hate god, because let's face it. When anything happens in life, we have to blame and hate someone, or our mistakes but I have no-one, so all I had left was god. Like come on! He won't mind. Will he? 

Do I have to explain Alarm Clocks? Everyone knows they're evil.

"That didn't make any sense." said a familiar voice.

I froze.

My wolf did an happy dance, and yapped in happiness. I think I knew who's familiar voice it was! Sarah! She was awake after 3 says of sleeping. That's a long beauty sleep. My wolf ignored my comments and tried to take over my body so I could kiss her. Talking about body and my mind. Did I say that out loud?

"Yeah." my wolf said.

"Bugger." I said back.

My body. I looked down to see me only hiding my manly self under the white towel. I turned around to see the washroom door open and a very red face Sarah standing their. I smirked and raised my eye brow.

I can't just throw away my cocky self.

Sarah P.O.V

Every day I felt the prick of a needle. I wanted to scream don't sting me you bitch! But no! My damn body didn't want to listen to my command. But I could hear normally, and I felt Asesino sleep next to me everyday. He would touch my lips and sending tingles down my spine, or run his handthrough my hair, which felt good but he never kissed me. I don't know why, but I wanted too.

I was laying like no other freaking day. I wonder how long I have been a sleep for? I focused to move my hand like any other day, but today they felt lighter so did my whole body. Shit! I was dying because I dont want too. I was proven wrong when my fingers and toe started to twitch. The bed moved on my right and Asesino went to to the bathroom like any other day. I pushed my body to move every other minute and soo finally I could move. I opened my eye lids, and the sun light came pouring in my now sensitive eyes. I blinked slowly to keep my eyes undamaged from the light.

I had this sudden rush to pee. Yes pee, I said to my wolf Plata who was eager to see Asesino and her wolf. I was too. Wait what am I saying? I should be hating him because this guy Rejected me. That son of a ......... nice mother. I won't bitch at his mother who I didn't even know her. I wish I knew his mother.

Back to work. Need to pee. Need to pee !!! I then stood to suddenly and wobbled on my feet. Not because I wanted to PEE. Well I did but. Oh whatever. I rushed to the washroom not caring if he was still in there. But when I opened the door I kinda regretted, and kinda not regretted opening the door, the almost undressed Asesino. I stood their looking at his big biceps and flat back which you could see was toned to the max. I heard him mumble some things and It was something about alarm clocks, the devil. I held back a laugh and a small comment slipped threw my lips "That didn't make any sense." He didn't turn around at once and I was dieing to pee.

"You're dying to see his body! Na na na nah!" teased my wolf.

I growled mentally and didn't answer her. When Asesino did turn around my eyes fell on his 8 packs which I have only seen the day he was in the hospital. I swear my face must have been bright red because I saw Asesino smirk. That bastard he thinks he's hot. Well he is, but still. Men and their ego. I rushed past him and to the toilet but before I could get there he grabbed my wrist and said the least expected thing.


Cliffhanger. Ppl this chapter is not editied so please forgave me for the mistakes. I wasn't going to be albe to upload this after noon so I did in the morning. Sooo what ya guys think he said " I love you " to hr or something else. Remember he is an Hot Jerk ;))))). gosh i just love the name Asesino sounds so smexy :p 




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