Chapter 16- The Letter And Prophecies

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16 Rejected By My Soul Mate

Chapter 16 - The letter and prophecies

Sarah P.O.V

*********Flash Back******* ( 4 years ago)

"Emma!" my voice called out. But no one answered.
Then I felt a piece of paper in my hand so I brought the piece of paper to my eyes then opened it and the first sentence caught in my throat. Making me choke.


Dear, Sarah

I should have wrote sister then Sarah...

My mind got blurry and I couldn't think anything else but the pain that was in my heart. This can't be true how can she be my sister? Then I remember just two weeks ago when I came here she told me she had a younger sister. Is that sister me? Only way to find out is to read I thought to my wondering mind so I looked back at the sheet of paper that holds my past and secrets.'

...I know that you're in shock right now but you will understand everything. I should start off with telling you how you're my sister and what separated us or how we ended up in this prison.

Our parents were well known Alphas of the Lighting Clan. Our mother was Katharine Light. She was the Alpha female, had blond hair and blue eyes. You can see we both get the hair from mom. Our dad was David Light Alpha of the Lighting clan. He had brown hair and gray eyes which we got. Oh yeah and I also forgot to tell you we had no, wait we have an older brother he's older then you and me. His name is Dark Light. Weird name I know but dad said it's unique. Our brother is an amazing person he has cute dimples, brown hair like dads and blue eyes like moms. I had a feeling since you haven't meet them that you like me to explain how they look. Now for some sad talk. Mom and dad died before we got separated. As in you going away. Dark took over the clan at the age of 6 when I was 3 and you were 1. We both couldn't take care of you when a war was rising so they sent you to our uncle and he agreed to take you in and love you as his own. So at the age of three and six we both got ready for the war but something happened before the war could happen. There was a prediction or wait a prophecy it was told by an Egyptian werewolf. That stop or made the war on hold. It was:

Two girls will be born from one mother womb. One will be older the other shall be younger.
From the two girls one shall be pure, one shall be evil.
One girl will bring love happiness and pureness to the future
Where as the other girl will bring destruction, pain and a damaged future.
These two girls will fight for a future. The one that wins gain power one that lose shall die.
If both die our world will come tumbling down and many lives will be lost.
Both will meet on the full moon night where the mother of night will give them the powers to fight one other.
That's the prophecies. It took me and Dark over five years to figure out and guess what we know who those two girls are.I will tell you who they are later.

I know that we ran away from the prison and you were lost so follow the trail in the forest on the east side of the tree with the red rose and you will come to the clearing filled with flowers.

I looked up at the side and saw a blood red rose like it said in the letter. I went up to the trees and looked on the side there was a small trail so I followed it and in twenty minutes I came to a clearing with flowers. There were flowers everywhere and the sky had a full moon to night.

I shivered when the wind suddenly started to pick up and I looked up to see someone walking from the side in to the clearing it was an women with a cape around her so you couldn't tell how she looked. And then I saw Emma walk out.

"Hello young ladies. Today you shall get what was yours since birth." the woman spoke with and weird accent. I turned to see Emma looking at me like I was a beast that stood in front of her and it was her job to kill me.

"What do you mean?" I asked the old woman.

When the woman was about to speak Emma spoke and said "Remember the prophecy I wrote on the sheet of paper it was true. I told you I tell you soon who the girls are. Those two girls are me and you.... And wait one more thing we will gain our powers and then we will fight on your 20th birthday to see who wins." I looked up to see the old woman nodding her head. And my heart stopped beating. I had to fight my sister that I just found out was my sister. My eyes began watering. And my mind was trying to hard to keep up with everything.

"Pure One don't shed a single tear or else you will be weak to the Un Pure One." she said with a booming voice I looked at Emma who was smirking at me. But I could tell she was scared herself.

I was distracted by the woman's murmuring to look at Emma. She pulled her hands up into the sky and after a few minutes she shouted,

"They will both gain powers on their 18th birthday and a mark will appear on their backs once they found the chosen Soul Mate. If one does not have a mate their powers shall not be at their full." and with that I saw the women disappear in to thin air and Emma run back into the forest not before saying a few sentences.

"I will take your Soul mate and make him mine. One more thing I will defeat you and gain all the power!" I looked up into those eyes that once showed me love. Now filled with a strong evil power, pure evilness and death. She ran in to forest leaving me in thoughts of pain and desperation to get out of this place one thing that crossed my mind was what's a soul mate? All this can't... doesn't sound human. Then I all I remember was blacking out.

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