ch. 14 fucked up day

Start from the beginning

We walk over the sand road, letting the sun hit our skin, "Damn, it's pretty warm today" I say, flapping my hand up and down towards my face, creating some wind coming my way. 

Jack chuckles, "you haven't been to L A yet" He says. I roll my eyes playfully, "Yeah, you don't have to brag about it, world traveler" I say, walking towards the bakery, where I hope to see Kimberley. 

Jack opens the door for me. I step in to the Kimberley's old dad standing behind the counter, smiling at me, "good day, (Y/N)" he says. I give him a friendly nod, "hey, mister Colton" I say, walking towards the usual bread I take with  me. 

Before I can grab the bread, Jack slaps my hand away. He grabs my wrist again and takes me to the French bread. It smells delicious, it's probably fresh. Jack grabs two of them and brings them to the counter, and pays for them. 

When Jack walks my way, I smile brightly at him, while slightly shaking my head, "you are the-" Jack cuts me off, "The best, I know!" He says, grinning at me. 

I chuckle, "Where did you get all that money?" I ask. Jack lifts his shoulders, "I come from Los Angeles, ma'am" he says. I simply smile, not really understanding him. 'They must be really rich in California...'

We walk back home, to my small store. I unlock the door and keep the door unlocked, since I am ready to sell some more stuff. 'I really need to make more bracelets...' I think to myself as I walk past the almost empty box of handmade, African bracelets. 

I walk to the counter, asking myself where Mark and Kimberley are. She still must be here, since she wasn't with her dad in the bakery. 

I get a little concerned when I hear talking  upstairs. I turn around ti look at Jack who is putting stuff on the counter, looking with wide eyes at me, then towards the stairs.

Jack walks towards the stairs, and tiptoes upstairs. I tiptoe behind him, being as quiet as possible. The closer we get, the more clear the sounds get.  I don't want to, but I think I hear a bed creaking. With all my hopes, I pray that it's in my head. 

Jack stops in front of the door, turns around and looks at me, mouthing, 'I'm sorry' at me. I feel tears build up in my eyes when I realize, it's not in my head, it's real. 

My worst fears, my nightmares are coming true. Jack grabs the door handle. My heartbeat raises, my brain asking for what is about to happen. I don't know if I want to know more. 

I don't know how to react when Jack opens that door. Something inside me wants to walk, run off and never come back. But the other side of me wants to know what is happening. 

Jack kicks the door open. And then, time stands still for a while. I see Kimberley...on top of Mark, both of them having their clothes spread around the room. 

Mark and Kimberley both look shocked our way. Mark pushes Kim off him with his hands that were on her hips a few seconds ago, "(Y/N)!" He says, already wanting to start to apologize.

I cover my mouth with both of my hands and run downstairs. I can't believe it. My, once, best friend, with my , once, boyfriend. This all ruined it for Mark and for me. 

I lost the love of my life, and Mark I run out of my store, not caring about anything at the moment. I don't know where to run to, who to run to, so I decide to run to the forest near the village. 

How could Kimberley do that, how could Mark do that. I sit under a large three, between the thick tree roots. I wrap my arms around my legs, pushing my legs against my chest. 

I lay my forehead on my knees and close my eyes, letting my tears fall.    Suddenly, I hear a stick crack. I look up, expecting Jack or Mark, but I see the one and only, Chadwick Lancelot hovering over me. 

I don't know if I want to talk to him at this moment, because when I say Mark and I have a little bit of a problem, he will probably change Mark back into that tiny size. 

But I don't want that to happen to him. This is just all the testing-time thingy. And that's why I feel pissed off, angry, annoyed, everything like that when I see that crazy wizard. 

'Why is he here in the first place?' I think as I wipe my tears away, looking up at him. "poor, poor girl" Chadwick says with that crazy grin, plastered across his face, "What's wrong?" He asks, trying to sound sweet, but sounding annoying. 

I wipe another tear away while standing up, "when the fuck is this testing time over?!" I say, feeling more tears building up, having flashback of the terrible sight that was in that bedroom, and that are now printed on my retina. 

Chadwick just throws that stupid grin at me, "when I know for sure that you are the one" He explains.  "But when I see you like this, I don't know if that time will have t o matter anymore" He says, wiping away a tear from my cheek with his thumb. 

I sob once, "What do you mean" I ask, having concern in my voice. "Mark hurt you, am I wrong?" He asks. I nod slightly, "but don't change him in a small man again, please" I beg the wizard. 

Chadwick holds his hands up to me, "That's your choice. Are you willing to give him another chance after what he has done, whatever he has done?" he asks. 

I wipe another tear away and blink a few times to get the tears out of my eyes, I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know" I admit, "I don't know what is going to happen next. I don't know what I'm going to to now..." I say, looking down at the ground. 

Chadwick takes a step back, "You could stay at my place if you need to"  He says. I look at him as if he has   a booger hanging out of his nose, "No, I'm fine, thanks" I spit at him. 

He just grins that annoying grin again and walks off, to his tower. I follow him walking away, realizing I'm actually pretty close to the tower. 

I sit down between the tree roots again with my legs laying straight and flat on the ground in front of me. I lower my body a little, to get in a comfortable position. I look up at the trees, and the slight blue sky that's coming through. 

I take a deep breath, smelling the delicious scent of nature. I close my eyes and wipe away my dry tears. I just want to get away, maybe never come back. I want to stay right here, with no one with me. Maybe Jack to comfort me, but later. 

Now, I just want to be alone, and remember the good times I had with my parents when I was younger. I don't think about how my parents died in that fire, because those are only things that will make me cry more and more. 

I think about how I used to laugh with my parents about all the small things. We made jokes that were just way too wrong. 

We used to talk about things that no one can actually answer without knowing for sure that the answer is right. Questions like, 'how big is the universe, or is it endless?' Or questions like,'Is there life after dead?' 

My mind goes to those questions. I like to think of those questions sometimes. I like to think of the unknown. I like to think about things that always have been, always are and always will be unknown. 

Maybe in the future people will discover life on other planets, maybe humanity will find a way to go to the moon. But if they will, I will no longer be here.

I lay my arms behind my head, and think about stuff like that. 'What if I had a life before this one? Was I an animal? And if I was, which one?'

I chuckle at myself, 'was I a cat? a dog? Maybe am elephant? or a Giraffe?'  After a while of thinking about those things, I feel my eyelids get heavy. 

I completely forgot about the fucked up stuff that happened today.  'I will deal with those things later' I think to myself as I slowly let my eyelids drop, and close. 

And before I know it, I am sleeping, outside, in the forest, with no one with me, without feeling alone...

My mini-Mark (Markilpierxreader)Where stories live. Discover now