Chapter 29: Let me apologise

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"No, no, no, no, no," Grim chanted. "You're not going to die on me."

Blake's eye lids fluttered around and he let out a choking rasp. He might have been trying to say something but it was impossible to know.

Grim's hands fluttered around, feeling completely useless. He looked like a hunk of raw meat. Every inch of his skin was open and bleeding, burned away in some places to the bone. It made her skin roll. Then she looked at his stomach and saw half his insides hanging out, and she felt dizzy. She had no idea what to focus on.

Her hands fluttered around, all over him, trying to help but doing nothing. She didn't know how to help him.

"Oh god," she whispered, looking into his eyes. "I don't know what to do."

He looked up at her and in that moment she was sure he tried to give her a comforting smile. Grim's chest shuddered with sobs and he gripped his hand. "I'm so sorry," she whispered, closing her eyes to place a kiss on his knuckles.

And then she realised that he was dead. It took everything in her to not jerk back in surprise when she realised.

No, she thought, no you can't be serious. But it was true, his soul was struggling to escape. She looked at the necromancer who was still gasping. Norma was with her and for some odd reason was trying to stop the bleeding. Grim looked back at Blake and felt a new wave of tears wash over her.

"Norma, call an ambulance," she ordered. Norma nodded and stood, pulling out her phone.

Grim turned back to Blake.

She could feel his soul trying to escape. It was his time. All she would need to do was get her scythe and she would be able to free his soul. She knew it would be easy. Death was officially reinstated with the necromancer dying. It would stop the agony that was undoubtedly coursing through him. He would simply close his eyes.

Yet, she didn't do that. Instead she tried to hold his organs in place. Instead she murmured words of encouragement.

He watched her with pain filled eyes, that Grim refused to look at.

If she didn't reap him right now she knew she would be punished. She would be sent downstairs to become a demon reaper. Or maybe they would do worse. The worst crime a reaper could commit was letting someone live when they weren't supposed to. But that was what she was going to do.

When the ambulance entered the bridge from the other side, indicating it came from the ext town over; Grim immediately knew the paramedics were werewolf's from the next pack.

They speed over and were out in a flash, opening the door and getting out a stretcher. They worked fast than a human could have.

"When we heard a man was injured on the bridge we knew it was the alpha," one of them explained. "Your beta explained."

"Save him," Grim ordered.

"He shouldn't even be alive right now," the other one said in disbelief.

"But he is, so save him," Grim hissed out.

She stumbled back and let them focus on him. She turned away and tried to wipe away the blood staining her hands. He was gasping and whimpering, she could hear him, but she couldn't stand it. She staggered away from him and over to Vex. His face was lined with black veins, and his one eye had become filled with blood. Anya kicked him over and gripped the scythe, jerking it from his skull.

Grim turned to Norma and watched emotionlessly as she worked away on the necromancer. She must have been in shock. Her mind was numb and it seemed her emotions had been drained away completely. Maybe it was because she knew it was all over for her.

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