Chapter 19: Marked

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"Blakey, isn't it beautiful?" Mary asked, turning to her captive with a questioning smile.

He glared at her and struggled against his bonds, which didn't budge. Mary rolled her eyes.

"Stop doing that, you're just going to hurt yourself."

Blake growled at her. Typical werewolf.

Mary turned away from him, leaving him to watch the crowds from the window. In the other room Jessica and her daughter sat, the girl slurping down juice and cookies and anything sugary to keep her energy up.

Mary forced a faux smile, bending down to lock green eyes onto the girls brown ones. "How's it going?" she asked sweetly.

Clara nodded, pausing in her gulping. "It's going good miss. Vex has been really nice and helped a lot. Look what he gave me." She held out her palms where images of two scythes crossing had been imprinted. Mary knew it was increasing the girl's power.

"Wonderful," she said softly, letting her eyes flicker to Jessica. The dead woman wasn't looking as happy as her daughter. She wouldn't meet Mary's eyes and kept looking at Blake's bound form. Mary would have to watch that one. She might need to be disposed of.

She turned back to the girl who was smiling up at her. Mary smiled back. "Thank you for waking up all those people so quickly. I know I said it could wait but I got some very bad news and now everything has to be rushed."

'That's okay," Clara said with a shrug of her shoulders. "It was fun."

Mary grinned at her before standing upright and walking to where Vex stood. He was looking down at the school, where so many people had gathered. He didn't look happy or pleased, his face as blank as ever. He didn't look up when Mary approached, his eyes flicking to her.

"You were helpful too," she acknowledge, looking down at the barricaded people.

Vex gave her a hint of a smile. "I was more than helpful wolf."

Mary's eyes narrowed, "Tell me again why you've decided to be of aid?"

Vex flexed his shoulders. "Too get back at the council, the ones that governs over all reapers. I think it's rather ironic that they punished me for helping a necromancer, and now I using what their punishment has given me to help an even more powerful necromancer."

"Why did you help the girl's father all those years ago?"

He clenched his fists, making the names inked into his skin stand out on pale knuckles. "My wife killed my children, John and Lucy, than me and finally herself. In another life we lived in a bad era in history, in a bad country that wasn't safe, and I believe she thought she was protecting us. I became a reaper because I couldn't move on, but I always wanted to bring them back. I wanted John and Lucy to have a chance to live their life. Then I'm coming to reap a couple of werewolf enforcers and there is this man who can see me, which is amazing in itself. He tells me he needs my help, and in return he could bring me back. I didn't want to be brought back, I'd rather they were. So, I help him but before he can pay up on our deal I'm hauled off by the council. They punish me to become a demon reaper." He smirks.

"Down there I met a very nice reaper who'd been down there for millennia and he knew some very interesting things about how to stop death. At the time I didn't think I could do anything, but then the idiot council brings me back up because I have 'experience with necromancers'. That's their problem, always thinking that people worship them, that they are terrified them and won't rebel. I might have done as they said, but then I have a newbie reaper tell me that it was Julian's kid who stopped death, and that she was supercharged. Why wouldn't I go and help her, telling her a few things I'd learned in the underworld in exchange for my kids to be brought back."

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