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"You don't have to put me to bed like a little child!"

"But you are a little child, my wonderful little poppet~"

"No I'm not! And why do all you have to be here?" Paul says with a glance toward François, Matt, and Allen.

"I agree with zhe boy for once." François says dryly as he attempts to leave the room.

"François, you get back here this instant. No one leaves this room until little Paul here is fast asleep." Oliver responds menacingly.

"Stop calling me little, jerk!"

"Hey, I got an idea!" Allen brightens suddenly. "I can sing for him!"

"That's a lovely idea, Al~"

"This isn't gonna end well..." Matt grumbles under his breath.

"Someone's taking the train to sleepy time junction!" Allen starts to sing fairly loud and terribly out of tune. "Somebody is so tired he can barely function!"

"Oh come on..." Matt face palms at the realization of what song his brother is singing.

"All aboard!!!" Allen yells super loud all of a sudden. Oliver tries to get Allen to stop, but he just keeps going. "Cries the engineer! Sleepy time junction is so near!"

"Allen! You're not helping!" Oliver finally gets Al to stop singing.

"Awww, but I only got to do one verse, mom!" Allen whines disappointedly.

"Al, was that the song from that one game grumps episode...?" Matt asks with a cringe.


"You're trash."

"I know. But you knew the song, so you're trash too." Allen grins at his wicked comeback.

"But you're garbage trash. At least I'm recyclable trash. There's still hope for me." Matt says the statement with utter seriousness.

"Garbage!? I'll give ya garbage!" Allen raises his fists, but Oliver steps in the way before anything more can happen.

"Now, now, boys. Now is not the time to be fighting. We need to keep a calm, light hearted atmosphere in order for Paul to have a good night sleep."

"Well, since none of you assholes liked my singing, what we doin' now?"

"First things first, we will stop the swearing," Oliver glares at Allen. "and then I'll come up with a plan."

"Please no more singing..." Paul grumbles. Oliver chooses not to hear.

"Well, how about Matt or François give singing a shot? Oh, I know! You can sing You are my Sunshine in French! And since you both speak French, it'll be just lovely~"

"I won't do it..." François states flatly as Matt agrees.

"Oh, c'mon now, lads! Don't be a couple of sticks-in-the-mud! Have a sense of adventure!"

François sighs before reluctantly 'singing', if you can call it that, said song in French. "Tu es mon soleil. Mon seul rayon de soleil." Oliver's smile becomes forced as he cringes at the monotonous singing.

"Um, François, sorry to interrupt, but could you try to put a pinch more emotion into that?"

"Vous me faites plaisir." François continues with the same lack of caring and gives Oliver a glare.

"Uh, sorry for interrupting yet again, but maybe it would help if Matt joined in?" Oliver gives Matt a hopeful glance. The latter just sighs and shrugs.

"Sure, fine."

"Oh good! Continue where you left off then!" Oliver waves them on excitedly.

"Quand les cieux sont gris." They continue the song together, Matt having just as little emotion as François. Oliver tries even harder to hold back his cringe as Allen holds back a laugh. "Vous ne saurez jamais chère, combien je t'aime. S'il vous plaît ne prenez donc pas mon rayon de soleil." They end the song with an exaggerated sigh. Awkward silence follows, but is broken by an agitated Paul.

"I'm still not asleep. Your stupid songs aren't helping! Why don't you all just go away!" Oliver ignores the boy as he thinks for a moment.

"How about I sing a song!" Oliver jumps with excitement.

"No, I don't wanna be sung to by anyone! Especially not you!" Paul whisper-screams the last bit. He is ignored yet again as Oliver starts to sing.

"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down~" Everyone in the room freezes at the sinister tone he uses while singing. The singing sent chills down everyone's back, it felt like the tune could open a doorway to hell itself.

"London Bridge is falling down, my fair laddie~
London Bridge is falling down, on the crowd, screaming loud~" Everyone cringes at the changed lyrics, nervous sweat evident on their brows.

"London Bridge is falling down, my fair laddie~
Everyone shall soon be dead, soon be dead, soon be dead~" François, Matt, and Allen quietly back out of the room, leaving Oliver and Paul.

"Everyone shall soon be dead~
Even you, my fair laddie~" Oliver grins as he pets Pauls hair. The boy had fallen asleep to the twisted tune somehow... don't ask... "Oh, I'm only joking, my dear poppet." Oliver whispers and chuckles light heartedly as he kisses Paul's forehead. "Tis but a song~"

Oliver switches of the dim lamp as he leaves the room and shuts the door softly behind him. Paul sleeps soundly that night.

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