François's Day Out

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François walks down the alley with a cigarette in his mouth. There is someone already there. Waiting in the shadows, leaning against the building. The mystery man raises a hand in the air. François does the same.

"François! It's about time! I've been waiting for forever!" He has dark hair with some white streaks on his bangs. A scar near his mouth and a stern, almost angry expression.

"Yeah, yeah. Pardon, Andres." Replies François while waving his hand dismissively. "Doesn't look like Gilen is hear yet."

"You never know what goes on with that guy. I won't be surprised if he doesn't show at all." Just then, quiet footsteps echo through the alley. François and Andres turn to see another man. He raises a hand in the air and so do the other two. "It's about time, Gilen! You're late!"

He has white hair in a messy ponytail and an emotionless, slightly sad face. Gilen doesn't speak until he is next to them. "Sorry," he chokes out. He speaks very quietly.

"So... now zhat we're all here..." Says François.

"C'mon, let's go already!" Andres's says impatiently.

The three friends plan to have a wild day. They are to go and bother lots of people.

First, they prank Flavio.

They place a bucket of brown paint on top of a slightly open door in Flavio's house. After a bit of waiting, the blonde opens the door and becomes covered in brown paint. He starts screeching at a pitch high enough to make anyone cringe. "Who did this?! Who messed up my outfit!? And most importantly -WHO MESSED UP MY HAIR!?"

The three friends are hiding behind his houseplant laughing. Andres can't resist anymore, "We didn't mess up your hair! That's your natural color!" He says as he jumps out into the open. That was a mistake.

"Oh, you think this is funny?" He speaks quietly and menacingly. He slowly walks up to Andres, and backhands him.

"Owww... That hurt, Flavi..." His personality suddenly switches. He gets all sad, kinda like a cute puppy who knows he did something wrong and feels bad about it.

"Do you still think that was funny?" Andres shakes his head no. "And will you do it again?" He shakes his head again. "Good. And are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry Flavi..." He says with a frown. His two friends just stare wide eyed at him. He acts so different around Flavio... No one is the boss of Andres... except Flavio...

"And you two. Are you just going to sit there and gawk, or are you going to please leave my house?" The three friends then run for their lives. They run out of the house and head toward their next victim.

They set off to bother Roland (2p Austria).

Roland tends to look down upon most people. Especially poor Gilen. He only likes Luciano and sometimes Eliza (2p Hungary). Today, the three would get revenge!

They sneak into the house through an open window. They find Roland jamming out on the electric guitar to some heavy metal rock music. He is jumping all around, hair all messy from head banging. Gilen, François, and Andres start laughing hysterically. Lucky for them, the music is so loud they were not heard by Roland. The music is deafeningly loud, amplified by a huge speaker that takes up one whole wall.

The three pranksters sneak behind Roland over to the large speaker. François reaches out and unplugs the speaker from the outlet. Roland does not notice right away. He keeps dancing like a fool and jumping into the air while swinging his guitar around. He runs across the couch and jumps onto a fancy-looking table, then slides across the floor and continues to dance once he gets up.

After a moment, he slowly stops and faces the three laughing people in his house. Andres is laughing uncontrollably while rolling around in a ball on the floor. François is using the wall for support as to not fall down from laughter. Gilen is bent over with his hands on the knees, also laughing.

"You three think think this is funny?! How did you even get in my house?!" Roland shakes with rage, his face bright red with embarrassment and sweat dripping down his forehead from so much activity. The other three pay him no mind. They just keep laughing. Roland doesn't like that very much. He sneers and huffily stomps over to Gilen.

Roland grabs his ear and lifts his head so that Gilen is now standing up straight. "Do you still think anything about this is funny, Gilen...?" He speaks quietly, yet menacingly. The laughing dies out until the room is completely quiet.

Roland lets go of Gilen's ear only to slap him across the face fiercely. "Do you?" he asks as he crosses his arms. Gilen shakes his head. "Then get out of my house. You have no more reason to be here. And take those two hooligans with you!"

The three 'hooligans' leave the house through the opened window that allowed them to enter.

They walk down the sidewalk, hands in their jean pockets. Neither plan went as they wanted it too. The day isn't going so well.

"Well..." Andres sighs. "today's gone well so far..." he says sarcastically.

"Yeah, today really sucks, doesn't it..." François adds.

"Hey! You didn't get slapped like either of us! Your days going pretty alright compared to ours! You got no room to talk!"

"Alright, I get it. Congratulations. Your day sucks more zhan my day."

"Should ve do somezhing else?" whispers Gilen.

"What if we go bother that cupcake freak?!" says Andres excitedly.

François frowns. "As much as I'd like to, we can't. Oliver's looking after zhe kids today. He'll get pissed if we bozher him while he's with zhe kids."

"More pissed than usual? Really?"


"Alright, fine... then let's just go to the bar."

And that's what they do. They spend the remainder of the day getting completely waisted at the bar. They stay at the bar until the late hours of the night.

"Where could he be?" Oliver sounds angry, but he is mostly very worried. "He... he should have been back by now..." He's been sitting on the couch waiting for a certain someone to show up for a while now.

Just then, Oliver is startled by the door being slammed open. "Hello zhere, Oliver..." François stumbles in and almost falls over.

"Where have you been!?" Oliver shouts as he stands up. "Look at you stumble in like a fool!" François grins.

"Yeah, but I'm still looking hella fine, non?" He laughs his 'ohonhonhon' and then trips over the rug, falling onto his face. Oliver lets out a pained sigh.

"You scared me! You could of at least called or something! Well..." Oliver walks over and helps François get of the floor. "In the end, I'm just glad you're alright, love."

François suddenly opens his eyes wide and reaches into the air dramatically, "In zhe end it doesn't even matter!!!~" he half slurs, half badly sings very out of tune. Oliver just sighs again, giving him a pitiful look.

"Let's get you off to bed... I'll leave some aspirin on your nightstand for morning. I know you'll be needing it..."

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