Christmas Preparations

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"Let's just get a fake tree from Walmart." François sighs as he drives the car.

"No way, love. That's not the festive thing to do." Oliver waves a finger and shakes his head in disapproval. "Picking out a Christmas tree with the family is part of our family tradition. The house would feel less homely without the scent of pine."

"And all plastic trees look the same! It's so boring!" Allen yells from the back seat.

"Would you keep your voice down? They're two feet away from you." Matt grumbles nest to him. "Your voice is already obnoxious enough when you talk at normal volume."

"Fuck off! My voice is beautiful!"

"If your voice is considered beautiful, then so is my-"

"Boys!" Oliver turns in his seat to glare at them. "Holiday spirit!"

After a bit more of driving and arguing, François is forced to drive to the tree lot. The family runs around and looks at all the trees. Well, more like Oliver and Allen ran around while dragging Matt and François along with them.

"Ooh, look at this one! It's short and plump, how cute~" Oliver twirls around the tiny tree full of branches.

"But this one's cooler! It's super tall!" Allen grins as he points rapidly to another tree.

"Al, that tree is too tall." Matt says blankly. "It will hit the ceiling."




"I'm not doing this with you." Matt starts walking of. "Get the tree. See if I care. Don't come crying to me when it scrapes the ceiling."

"Mom! I want this tree!" Oliver takes a look at it and smiles.

"Okay, love. We'll get this tree then."

-Later at the house-

"Hate to say -no, actually, I love to say I told you so." Matt grins slyly as the family eyes the tree. It is doing more than hitting the ceiling. It is bent at nearly a right angle with the top foot or so of the tree against the ceiling.

"Shut up, Matt!" Allen grumbles harshly.

"It's okay, the topper can still go on the top, it will just be sideways against the ceiling..." Oliver tries to look on the bright side.

"Zhis is stupid." François shakes his head. "I said we should get a plastic tree, but non, nobody wanted to listen to this broken shell of a man." He raises and dramatically to the sky.

"Well... You know what time I think it is?" Oliver attempts to change the subject. "Cookie baking time!" He cheers excitedly.

Everyone just grumbles a bit in response. François tries to sneak away, but Oliver grabs his hand before he can move one step.

"We have to make plenty cookies for Santa." Oliver smiles with a glance toward Allen. "You do want Santa to come deliver presents, don't you boys?" Allen squeals and runs ahead to the kitchen.

"I can't believe you still haven't told that idiot..." Matt whispers to Oliver as he too heads to the kitchen.

"I would have preserved your innocence too but this loud-mouth Frenchman just couldn't keep his Scrooge-ness to himself." Oliver glares at François as he drags said Frenchman into the kitchen.

The family begins gathering baking supplies onto the counter. Oliver is the one doing most of the work, pulling Christmas colored frosting, many different cookie cutters, and giant sprinkle  shakers out of seemingly nowhere.

Long story short, the cookies are beautiful and each perfectly unique. The family is covered in flour, sprinkles, icing, and all other ingredients involved in the cookie baking. Oliver is as giddy as always, Allen is cheering and opening the oven every ten seconds to see if the cookies are done, Matt is actually smiling, and François actually seems content for once.

"Think we have enough for Santa?" Oliver asks with a hint of sarcasm as he eyes the huge pile of cookies with a grin. They cover the entire counter, it looks like an overstuffed bakery.

"Oui, I zhink we 'ave more zhan enough." François sneakily grabs a cookie and runs. Oliver stares in shock for a moment at the playful action before running off after him.

"Get back here, cookie thief!" He giggles as the two jump around the house in playful chase. François is laughing his funny French laugh too.

Allen fills his shirt with cookies and begins to sneak them back to his room while Oliver is distracted. He gives Matt a smile and signals for him to keep quiet. "Ollie, I think we have another cookie thief on our hands!" Matt calls out with a devilish grin.

"Traitor!" Allen breaks out into a run, Matt close behind.

"Don't let him get away!" Oliver yells back as he attempts to tackle François to the floor. François however is able to stay upright, leaving Oliver hanging on his back like a baby monkey.

Meanwhile Matt tackles Allen, who does end up falling to the floor causing cookies to fly all over his bedroom. "Caught red handed." Matt grabs a red cookie from Allen's shirt and eats it calmly as Allen tries to push him off.

"Matt! No fair! I wanna cookie too!" His arms are stuck under the Canadian, leaving him trapped and cookieless.

François enters the room, Oliver still on his back trying to take him down even though his efforts are barely noticeable. "You got caught, Al?" François shakes his head with mock disappointment. "What a terrible thief."

Don't worry, Al eventually did get to eat a cookie. Many cookies actually. All of them ate so many cookies that they were borderline sick. And there were still plenty enough left for Santa, in case you were wondering.

Happy Holiday Season, everyone!

Life of 2p! FACEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें