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"What, Al?" Matt sighs having to deal with the whiny American as usual.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Al says with a pout.

"What, Valentine's Day? It's not even a real holiday."

"It may not be a real holiday to you, but Single's Awareness Day, aka SAD, is an excuse to eat chocolate and is therefore a great holiday."

"Whatever." Matt rolls his eyes.

"Oh c'mon, Matt! Eat chocolate with me!"

"What!?" Matt jolts at the sudden invitation.

"What, it's not like I'm asking you on a date or anything!" Allen looks away. "Just chill and eat chocolate with me. Just 'cause we're both single doesn't mean we gotta be single alone on SAD Day."

"Fine, I'll eat chocolate with you." Matt reluctantly agrees. "And isn't saying 'SAD Day' sorta redundant. Wouldn't that be Single's Awareness Day Day?" Allen stares at him for a few long seconds with a blank face.

"Don't question me, I will go crazy on you." Allen threatens.

"Whatever, just give me chocolate."

They spend the day together chilling on the couch, eating chocolate and watching romantic comedies playing on tv. Oliver and François arrive home later that night, the former holding a bouquet of colorful flowers. François is smiling and cheerful. Weird. They're both giggling like idiots.

"Love." Allen says in a matter-of-fact tone as they walk in.

"What about love?" Oliver asks innocently, still giggling a bit.

"You're in love~" Allen sings mockingly. "I mean, look at Mr. depression being all cheerful and Casanova-ed out!"

"He's a magic man." Oliver looks up at François with a spark in his eyes.

"If by magic you mean bipolar, sure." Matt twirls a finger next to his head to insinuate François's craziness.

"What can I say, Valentine's Day is my favorite 'oliday~" Matt and Al share an odd glance at the cheerful remark.

"Oh! We must watch the greatest romance movie!" Oliver jumps for joy, literally. "I'll be right back!" Oliver races out of the room, leaving the other three confused.

"What romance movie does Ollie think is the greatest?" Matt inquires nervously.

"It better not be something stupid like The Room or Who Will You Run To." Allen whines some more.

"Ahhhh! I'm so excited!" Oliver runs into the room, DVD in hand, quickly placing it into the video player. "Sit, sit, everyone sit!"

François obeys, siting on the end of the couch, Oliver sitting in the middle next to Allen, and Matt on the other end next to Al. The movie begins playing, revealing Love Actually.

The four watch the movie together, eating more and more chocolate. It isn't exactly romantic with the four of them squished together on the couch, but this fanfic doesn't focus on romance, it focuses on family.

After the movie, Allen gets sick because he only ate chocolate the whole day (and a lot of it). Overall, it was a happy Valentines Day.

---Author's note---
I'm only a week or something late, right? Better late than never?
Here's a random head cannon I have of Allen and Matt as children based of off my cousin and myself as compensation. Allen would cry and get hurt easily (my cousin) while Matt was always tougher and would barely ever cry (me). Oliver would always give little Al more attention because of this, leading Allen to become a bit of a mama's boy.

(By the way, anyone get the song references?)

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