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"I can't believe you Serbia! You're being a little bitch, you know that!"

"Roland dear, no need to be so hostile..." Elisabeth tries to calm down her husband.

"You attack Serbia, you attack me." The scary Russian, Viktor says with finality. "We are having the secret alliance."

"Uh, L-Lutz! I need some help over here! And dear Luci, von't you help too?" The German and the Italian join the Austrian and Hungarian in the fight.

"Y'know, this is stupid. I don't feel like fighting. Ciao losers. Take care of it, Lutz." Before Lutz can say anything, Luci is gone.


"This is awesome! Let's go fight!"

"Al, war is not awesome... And you will not be fighting! This is a European problem. François and I will be going to help. You and Matt will stay here."

"So unfair! I live here in England! I should be able to fight!"

"No Allen! That's final! We'll be back in no time, alright? I'll miss you loves!" Oliver and François leave the house to go help in the war.

"Bye." Matt says as he opens the door.

"Bye? What do you mean bye? Where are you going?"

"I'm fighting whether Oliver likes it or not. Seems like some fun for a change."

"Great idea bro!" And the brothers follow soon after them.


"I'm here!" Allen shouts as he breaks down the door. All the countries present in the room stop the fighting and turn to face him.

"Al! I thought I told you to stay home! Do you boys ever listen?" Oliver shouts as him and François pin down Austria.

Viktor stands in the center of the room holding Elisabeth with one arm. She was struggling violently, but the Russian didn't even have to movie to prevent her from escaping. Now they are both still and watching Allen.

"Allen, what took so long?" Matt asks from his position across the room with his boot on the knocked out Lutz's back. "I got here I while ago!"

"I stopped by the seven eleven across the street and picked up a slushie, but then I realized I shouldn't bring that to a war, because I knew everyone would want a sip, so I drank it before coming. I got the biggest cup they had, you shoulda seen this thing man, humongous, so it took me a while to finish it, I got brain freeze so many times while drinking this thing trying to hurry, and-"

"Would you just shut up already!" France interrupts the useless rambling with a sudden yell. "Just help us knock him out!"

"Well sure, since you can't do it yourself and all." Allen grins as he walks over and hits the Austrian with his bat. "There. I won the war!"

"You mean we!" His family screams at the same time leaving Viktor angrily confused.

"What a modest boy..." Viktor says with barely detectable sarcasm.

~~After the War~~

"So, now that everyone's awake, and you admit that you guys lose, who's responsible?" Roland starts to sweat and laugh nervously at Allen's words.

"I-it vasn't me! I vas dragged into this mess by," Roland looks around for a solution, "uh, by Lutz!"


"Lutz, you agree to take full responsibility for zhe var?" Roland asks with an innocent smile.

"Be quick about it, I really gotta take a piss!" Allen says as he moves awkwardly in his chair.

Lutz opens his mouth, but before he can agree or disagree, "Lutz agrees!" And with Roland's yell, Allen rushes out of the room with his hands between his legs.

"Shouldn't of drank the whole thing!" Allen mumbles as he escapes the room. The others quickly follow as Lutz sits there and tries to figure out what just occurred.

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