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"Why does mom always cook? François can cook, can't he?" Little Allen sits on the couch listening to Oliver's humming coming from the kitchen.

"You know why papa doesn't cook. He's way to lazy. He'd rather let us all starve than spend the energy." Matt sits next to him slumped into the couch. He's started calling François 'papa' for the same reason Al calls Oliver 'mom'. To annoy him, because we all know that's the true reason. "Besides, Oliver would never agree to letting anyone else cook."

"But he freaks me the fuck out! I'm honestly scared of what he's putting in those cupcakes! Why can't we just go to McDonalds?"

"McDonalds?!" Oliver appears in the doorway to the kitchen. "No. We will definitely not be going to McDonald's. Besides, I just finished cooking! Come and eat before it gets cold~"

Matt and Allen get up and sit at the table reluctantly. Allen notices the table is only set for three, "Hey, where's François?"

"Oh, he went out," Oliver answers simply.

Matt furrows his brows in confusion, "Out?" He asks quizzically.

"Yes, he said he needed to go out today. Now that I think about it, he didn't mention why..." Matt and Allen exchange a look. "oh, it's nothing, dear. He'll be back soon. No need to worry, poppets."

The three then start to eat. Allen chows down on a veggie burger. He is glad Oliver cooked vegetarian meals for him at least. Matt is eating some pancakes that were way too sugary, but he doesn't mind that much. And Oliver is eating... a pile of cupcakes?

"Hey, ma. Why do you eat so many cupcakes?" Allen asks between chewing.

"Well, because I like cupcakes~ You eat a lot of veggie burgers because you like them, and Mattie eats a lot of pancakes because he likes them, right? And please don't talk with your mouth full, sweetie. It's improper. And what did I tell you about calling me that?"

"Matt," Matt scoffs under his breath. He really doesn't like being called 'Mattie.'

"Oh, I'm sorry, poppet~ Matt." Oliver corrects himself. "And here, take a cupcake for when you're done eating~"

Matt and Allen hesitate at first, but then they each take a cupcake Oliver is holding out. His cupcakes always taste fine, no, they taste absolutely amazing. They are the best cupcakes either of them have ever tasted. There is just something about them... something about the way they are cooked, or the way Oliver smiles as he watches you eat them. There's just something a bit off about those cupcakes.

Nevertheless, the boys eat the cupcakes. You just can't resist them! They are addicting! "Can I have more?" Allen asks eagerly.

"Yeah, me too." Matt says in an equally eager tone.

"Of course boys~ You can have as many as you want. Just as long as you say 'please'~"

The two boys frown but reply quickly and in unison, "Please!"

Oliver's smile grows. "That's my boys!" He says proudly as he places the pile of cupcakes between the boys.

Despite the eerie feeling the boys feel, they keep eating cupcake after cupcake. They eat and eat until the pile is completely gone.

"Wow, I can barely believe it! You two finished all of today's cupcakes! Would you like me to make more?"

The boys had eaten way to much. They can't even move at this point. Allen sits hunched over with his face pressed against the table and his arms hanging uselessly at his sides. Matt sits slouched down to in the chair with his head back and legs straight out like he was about to slide onto the floor. They let out a half annoyed, half painful groan that obviously translates to 'no, please God no!'

"Oh, goody!~ I'll make another dozen batches right away~" Oliver apparently can not understand the language of groaning.

He makes more, and more, and more cupcakes.

Let's just say that wasn't the best night for Allen and Matt.

~~Time Skip~~

It is now very late into night. The boys are in bed. They have been for a while. No one can stay awake that long after eating so many cupcakes.

Oliver sits on the couch. Waiting...

"Where could he be?" Oliver sounds angry, but he is mostly very worried. "He... he should have been back by now..."

Are you, the reader, wondering where François could be? Find out next time, in the next chapter~

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