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"Lutz! Let's take over the world together!"

"Vhat? Vhy?"

"I missed out in the fighting of the first war, so why not start another one!" Luciano jumps for joy.

"Fine," Lutz sighs. "but ve need more zhan just zhe two of us."

"I wirr herp." Kuro appears mysteriously.

"Pfft-" Lutz tries to hold back a laugh.

"Lutz?!" Luci Yells. "This is serious! Why are you laughing!?"

"Herp!" Lutz imitates the Japanese accent in between laughs. "Herp derp!"

Luciano sighs and turns to Kuro. "And why do you want to help us?"

"I pran to attack my brother. He is an idiot."

"Attacking your own brother..." Luciano grins. "I like your style, Kuro. You're in."


"C'mon!! I did good last time! I wanna help again!"

"No Allen, I won't let you! It's even more serious this time! It's not only a European problem. It's a Eurasian problem."

"I don't care, I wanna fight!" Allen continues to whine like a child.

"You and Matt will stay home whilst François and I fight. End of story." And with that, Oliver leaves with François.

Matt sighs as he opens the door a minute later. "C'mon, let's go, moron."


Allen walks into the 7/11 to get a slushie. Again. Because of course he didn't learn his lesson from last time. Just as he's walking out of the store...

"Noooooooo!" The slushie is kicked out of his hands! "Not my slushie!!" Allen turns away from his frozen treat, now splattered horrifically across the pavement, to see the fierce attacker. "You!"

"Herro, Arren." Kuro grins deviously.

"How dare you! That slushie was innocent! It should've been me!" Allen runs at Kuro, screaming loudly, filled with anger and hate. Kuro's smile disappears as he freezes in place.

"A-Arren... I was o-onry joking..." He laughs nervously, trying to get Al to stop. But it's to late. Allen pulls out his bat and knocks out the scared frozen Kuro.

"Al, you found him!" Allen turns around at the sound of Matt's voice. "Why were you at 7/11 though? Don't tell me you got another slushie again..." There stands the other allies holding an unconscious Lutz and Luci.

"Al-dog!" Zao gangsta-walks over to Allen and picks up Kuro. "Thanks for KO-in' my fuck-up bro, dude."

"Does this mean I won the war again!?" Al asks excitedly.

"It's we!" His family yells back.

"Once again," Viktor sighs. "The boy shows his modesty..."

~~Later yet~~

"Now that you're all awake, care to tell who's responsible?" Oliver asks with a calm smile.

"It wasn't me." Kuro replies calmly.

Lutz opens his mouth to comment, but Luci interrupts. "It was all Lutz's idea! He wanted to take over the world! Crazy bastardo!"


"Slushie!" Luci screams suddenly, confusing everyone greatly. All except Al that is.

"Oh shit! I forgot to get another slushie!" He runs out of the room quickly. Luci grins as his plan works.

"Al, language!" Oliver follows quickly behind him.

"Yo, wait up! I wanna slush too!" Followed by Zao.

"Why am I even here?" Viktor gets up and leaves the room slowly. "Might as well get a slush-thigh instead..."

Matt just leaves with a long sigh. François follows, "I didn't even get a single line zhis chapter..."

The three remaining countries sit in awkward silence for a few seconds. Lutz finally speaks, "Vha-"

"Bye, Rutz!"

"See ya!" Luci and Kuro interrupt him simultaneously and run out of the room, leaving the German alone and confused once more.

"Vhat zhe hell!!"

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