Swear jar

157 13 3

One week later 

(Go ahead. Comment that you read that in the Spongebob narrator voice. I dare you)

François sits in his chair reading. Oliver is in the kitchen baking. Allen is watching people fail at life on TruTV. Matt walks in and steels the tv remote.

"We're watching Les Miserables. The play is being aired on tv. I'm not missing it." He changes the channel.

"Hey! I was watching that, shitface!" Allen is not happy.

"Fuck off."

"Hell no! I don't even speak French! That's not fair!

"I'm not changing it back, ass wipe! We're watching Les Miserables! This is a special opportunity, and I'm not missing it!"

"I agree with Mathieu." François says calmly.

"Of course you do! The play's in fucking French!" Allen yells back.

"Well, fuck you too." François sounded slightly hurt.

Oliver burst through the door "STOP YOUR FUZZY SWEARING!" The three stare at him awkwardly. Oliver walks back to the kitchen and came back with an empty strawberry jam jar. "The three of you can't seem to control yourselves! Especially you two little boys!" He points to Matt and Allen.

They just grumble.

"I've come up with an idea to make you stop." Oliver grins kinda evilly. "Whenever any of you swear, you must put money in the swear jar." He waves the jar back and forth.


"Allen! What did I just say? Swear jar!" Allen reluctantly takes a dollar out of his pocket and put it in the jar.

"Shhh! The best fucking play ever is about to start!" Matt sits on the couch eagerly.

"Did nobody hear me? Matt, swear jar!" Matt holds out some random bills he found in his pocket.

Oliver takes the money and walks up to François. "You swore before too, François." He then whispers, "don't you want to set a good example for our boys?"

"Zhe swear jar wasn't a zhing when I swore. Besides, I don't have any money."

"Why don't you have any money? What could you possibly spend it on?"

François blows out a puff of smoke and simply says, "who knows."

*Awkward silence*

"Anyway, I'm going to watch Les Miserables now."

"Okay, that sounds like a splendid idea. What a good bonding opportunity!"

"Fuck this shit I'm out!" Allen is done with this bs.


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