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Oliver knocks on the door as Allen whines at his side. "Why the fuck did I have to come? It's cold and snowy and I don't care about that little demon at all!"

"Allen! Your attitude better change or else-" Oliver stops himself when the door is pushed open against the snowy wind.

"Oh, hello Oliver, nice to see you. You also Allen." Bernard greets them with a smile. He bear-hugs Allen, much to Al's discomfort. "Long time no see."

"Hello Bernard, we're here for Paul." Oliver attempts to remain strict despite his usual happy personality.

"Oh, you wish to see Paul? Come in." Bernard holds the door open as the two enter the house. "We have visitors!" He calls out into the house.

"Visitors?" Egil runs into the room like an over excited puppy. "Big brother, did you here that? We have visitors!"

"Stop calling me that." Loki pushes the eager boy over and then smiles at the guests. "Sorry about Egil, he can be such a bother."

"Visitors? Who-" Thurston stops abruptly upon seeing the pair. "Why would you let them in, Bernard!?"

"They wanted to see Paul. I figured it would be the nice, polite-"

"They don't want to see the boy! That frosted freak over there wants to take him!"

"Oh... you really think so?" Thurston sighs at Bernard's innocent inquire and decides to just ignore it.

"How did you even find out Paul was here? That idiot Russian must have told you."

"Viktor was here?" Oliver questions. "But he told us he couldn't find Paul..."

"You really trusted that asshole? He deserves to rot in hell! He's no better than the devil himself that no good fuck!" Thurston suddenly shows his loathing for Viktor.

"Woah, dude, chill. I know he's an asshole, but you don't gotta dis him that much." Allen tries to distinguish the situation so he can leave these weirdos as soon as possible.

Thurston opens his mouth to argue again, but is interrupted by the annoyed groaning of a drunk guy. "Why do I gotta get up and deal with people again?"

"Because, Markell, you should stop being a drunk-dirty-homo-guy!" Paul enters the room pulling an obviously drunk Markell by the sleeve.

"Poppet, you're alright!" Oliver cheers as he spots Paul. Paul freezes for a moment before starting to push Markell out of the room.

"Never mind, you don't need to see these people!"

"Paul, wait! Don't you want to come home?" Oliver saddens as Paul tries to escape him.

"No, I already am home!" And with that Paul was gone.

"See, Oliver? The boy likes it here better. He likes us better." Thurston smirks at his victory. "Now leave, already!"

"Heh heh, that wasn't as fun as I thought it would be..." Egil laughs as he finally picks himself off the floor. Just as he's about to get up, Loki pushes him back down. "I-I'm alright..."

Oliver leaves without another word, his head down in defeat. Allen awkwardly follows, glad to be leaving, but very weirded out by Oliver's non-happy state. The ride home begins and Allen feels more and more obligated to try and help Oliver.

"Uh, hey, mom...?" Oliver gives a quiet hum as response. "Just because that little brat wanted to leave... it doesn't mean anything..."

Allen struggles to find the right words, but feels as though he has to do something. Oliver's been there for him in many situations.

"Y'know, François stayed... Matt stayed too. And of course there's me... We all chose to stay with you." Oliver wipes the tears from his puffy eyes with his sleeve.

"Sure you all stayed... but why?" Allen tilts his head at Oliver's strange question, promoting him to continue. "Paul left because of me. So why did you all stay? Surely it wasn't because of me..." Oliver laughs bitterly. "You're all just to lazy to live alone..."

Allen sighs. "We may all be lazy, but we still could've left. If we really hated you, we could've all left together, or joined a different family or whatever. Maybe we chose to stay with you because we actually kinda like you..." Allen turns away awkwardly and crouches in his seat.

"Really?" Oliver inquires with a hint of hope.


Oliver immediately brightens up. Just like that his signature smile is back. "How about I make a special batch of cupcakes tonight? That sounds lovely, doesn't it? And we can all eat at the dinner table and converse like a normal family. How about it, poppet?"

Allen cringes a bit at the thought of getting his face stuffed with cupcakes in only a few hours. Despite the unpleasant thought, he is glad to have overly happy Oliver back again. "Yeah, that sounds great."

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