New Year 2017

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"Matt! I haven't seen you since last year!" Matt sighs. New Years means more of Allen's terrible puns.

"That's because 'last year' was ten seconds ago, moron." It's only just begun.

"I should bake." Oliver says with a matter-of-fact attitude. "It's been too long without the sweet smell of baked goods filling this house. Heavens, I haven't baked sense last year!"

"Last year was yesterday!" Matt groans. François is so done, he looks brain dead, draped over the couch like a dead fish. He'll brake soon. Someone should make sure he's still alive. "You literally just baked tons of cookies and a cake yesterday!"

"Franny, what's with the getup?" Allen gestures to François's outfit, his usual button down, lavender shirt and khakis.

"Zhis is what I usually wear..." He answers with an irritated twinge.

"It's so last year. Stop living in the past. We're in 2017 now. Get with the program." François's blood boils as he gets closer to his tipping point. Allen's smug grin pushes him further and further off the deep end.

"Hey, François~!" Allen and Oliver cheer in unison. François just growls, his patience running real thin.

"Make any..." Allen pauses for effect, that creepy grin still present on his face. "New Years Resolutions?" François's eye twitches.

"This is a new beginning after all." Oliver's voice sounds just as mocking as Allen's in François's ears. "It's important to start anew."

"Wouldn't wanna..." Allen holds in a chuckle, "go back to being the same boring guy you were last year and the year before that, would ya?" That's it. That was the last straw.

"Do you have any idea how old I am!? How many years I've had to live!? How long I've had to deal with these stupid puns!?" François finally explodes. Only took them three full days to make the inevitable happen. "Get away from me, you imbecile!"

The other three stare on in shock after François's outburst. I won't go into detail about how their reactions look because you can just look at the visual I've provided below.

 I won't go into detail about how their reactions look because you can just look at the visual I've provided below

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"Harsh, man... I'm feeling really attacked right now..." -Allen

"..." *pouty face* -Oliver

"Woah..." -Matt

(This is what happens when I have too much time on my hands... *starts singing Styx song* [Sittin on this bar stool, talking like a damn fool])

Anyway, hope everyone had a great New Year's Day and hope everyone has a great 2017!

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