Part 71

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Next day🌤


I wasn't about to let Yn walk out my life that easy, so I got what time her flight left and what airport she was at from Tasha to surprise her. I brought all her favorite chocolate from See's Candies, 2 bags of hot Cheetos, Snapple favored Kiwi Strawberry, and the wedding ring I bought her. I woke up earlier this morning so I can get to the airport before she leaves.

I'm in the airport carrying all these things in a basket looking around for her. I walked to the gate she was gonna be at and sat down by the desk waiting to see if she comes. After about 10 minutes I heard a familiar voice say "Thank you". I looked up and seen Yn and Heaven giving the ticket to the lady and about to leave. I stood up quickly and walked over to her.


She turned around and sighed.

"Why are you here?", she asked

"I love you. I really want to work this out between us. I honestly can't go a day without thinking about you. I don't want you to leave, everytime I'm not with you it kills me. I want to wake up everyday to you by my side and knowing that I can call you my wife"

I pulled out the ring and held it up in front of her. She looked down at it then back up at me.

"Stephen, you need to get your family back. Riley misses having you in the house with her mom"

"But Riley likes having you as a mom to. She wants you to be her mommy number 2. Everything happens for a reason. God knew I was getting tired of Ayesha, so he brought you into my life. He gave you the courage to come up to me and get me off my phone that night. It's been a year with you Yn and I want more"

"Yn our flight leaves in 2 minutes", Heaven said

"Okay", she said

"Don't board that plane. Stay here so we can work this out"

"Wardell, listen to me. I love you, and you know I do. But having the guilt in my head knowing I ruined your family is too much for me. It took me a while to come to the conclusion that, I need to let you and Ayesha work your differences out. You've known each other for 14 years and that's not about to end because of me"

"When the love you have for someone just isn't there anymore, you can't force yourself to love them again. My love is not with Ayesha anymore, it's with you. And I can't change that"

"Well you need to Stephen. The guilt is killing me that Riley and Ryan are growing up with just a mother raising them--"

"Ahh Ahh, I raise them too. It's not like I'm not ever around them. I'm in their life too"

"But not like before you met me. Your busy with working and your games so how are you possibly with them? When you have games on weekends your only with them at night, and they're usually sleep"

"I don't need you telling me I'm not ever in my daughters' life"

"Yn we need to go now before we miss our flight", Heaven said

"Alright Cmon", I said grabbing my suitcase

"I really wish you would of never came up to me and get me off my phone. Because now I have to deal with the fact that I will NEVER get over you. I don't know why you don't understand...I WILL NEVER LOVE AYESHA THE WAY I LOVE YOU AGAIN! Get that through your damn head"

I'm guessing me yelling kinda scared her because she jumped as soon as I started yelling.

"Damn I wish you would of just left me alone!!", I screamed louder

She wiped her eyes and looked down.

"I got this for you anyways", I said holding out the basket to her

She took it and looked at me.

"Yn we really needa go...Now!", Heaven said walking away

"I won't ever stop loving you Yn. I promise you that", I said

More tears started falling from her eyes so I walked away before I gave in and felt bad.

I mean...why should I feel bad? She's basically leaving me for good.

I turned around to see if she was gone and she was walking towards the plane. I turned back around and continued walking out the airport.

I can't believe the love of my life just left me...just like that. But the promise I made her, will never change. I meant what I said. I won't ever stop loving her.


I looked in the basket of all the things he got me and I just kept crying. I boarded the plane and sat in my seat wiping my eyes.

"It's gonna be okay Bestfriend. Like he said, things happen for a reason. We're going on this trip to get away from drama, so let's not think about him...Okay?"

I looked at her and nodded. I sniffed and wiped my eyes. I put the basket below my feet and closed my eyes. I opened them again when I felt the plane take off.

Love does hurt💔. I thought about all the memories me and Stephen had, from when we first met, to him finding out I loved him and was gonna kill Ayesha, to when we started sneaking around Ayesha's back, to when he said he was divorcing Ayesha for me, when we first made it public we were dating, and then when he proposed to me. It hurts letting Stephen go, but he needs to make it right and get his family back. I'm going to start focusing on myself and get my modeling career started again since I took a brief break.

I will always love Stephen no matter what. That's my heart❤️

~ The End💙💛

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