Part 12

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Today I was driving down to Antioch to see my dad. Everytime I feel bad about myself I go to my dad who always cheers me up. I pulled up to his driveway and got out. I knocked on the door and he answered about 30 seconds later.

"Hey princess", my dad, Dwayne said hugging me.

He's been calling me princess ever since I was younger and he never stopped.

"Hey dad", I said hugging him back then walking inside.

"I heard you wanted to talk", he said closing the door.

I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. He walked in and sat next to me.

"Dad, remember when I was younger and you told me it's better to be alone then be with someone who doesn't make me happy?"


"Okay well, I need your advice. Usually I would ask mom, but after I talk to her about men, she doesn't make me feel good about myself like you do"

My dad smiled then kissed my forehead. "Tell me wassup baby girl"

"Okay, I started liking this one guy. I finally got the chance to meet him in person and I fell more in love. We talked for a while and then he kissed me--"

"Wait you guys didn't have sex right?", my dad asked cutting me off

"No dad!"

"Okay continue"

I sighed then continued. "Anyways, he hasn't talked to me since our kiss. Do you think he's playing with my heart?"

"Some guys might be, other guys might just be too nervous to make another move. He might think you didn't like it of maybe how you reacted"

"The thing is, he also told Denise I was a mistake", I said looking down

"A mistake?! Princess your NO WHERE NEAR a mistake! And don't ever think that! Don't listen to what no nigga has to say about you that's negative! And if they do, you needa find someone else"

"Daddy I love him though, I can't let him go" I said tearing up. "I don't even know why I feel this way. He doesn't care about me. He's married and with a kid"

"HES MARRIED WITH A KID?! And he kissed you?"

I nodded and looked at him

"So he cheated on his wife?"

I nodded again.

My dad shook his head. "You need to find better princess. That's all I gotta say. Your beautiful, you will find someone WAY better then that guy, I promise you"

That's why I love my dad. I told you he always makes me feel good about myself.

"Thank you daddy", I said smiling and hugging him

"I love you princess and don't you ever forget that"

"I love you too"

After more talking with my dad, it was getting late so I left and drove back home. I haven't talked to Denise since I practically packed my clothes and left her house without saying bye. I wasn't mad at her, I was just hurt and so much was going through my mind. I was just thinking of going to her house to watch the game tomorrow.

| Next Day 😋 |

Denise was suppose to be coming over today. She's bringing over the guy she found for me. She said its her best friend's little brother. Hopefully this goes well. After about 15 minutes she rang the doorbell indicating she was here.

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