Part 40

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"Oppa! Where are you going to?", your squeaky 6-year-old voice squeaked with a wondering look on your face. Jaehyun could only cast a sad smile that hides every sorrow in his eyes.

"Jaehyun-oppa, answer me, when will you be back?", you continued to ask him while holding his arm.

His father and mother were waiting in the car. His mother watched in sadness while his father ignored it and were tapping his foot while glancing his watch on his wrist.

".......I-I'm sorry (y/n), I'm going far away from here...... I'm not very sure if I can go back here to you", he said while tears were streaming down his cheeks, he then held both of your hand in his, "papa..... needs to work.... I have to follow him to America, if I can pursue papa to come back to Korea I promise I will come back to see you".

He pulled you in his arms while crying on your shoulders, as a 6 year old girl you won't understand what he was talking about but you just couldn't help to cry as well.

But then his father grabbed Jaehyun away from you and his tears were unstoppable. He cried as he tried reaching his tiny hands to you but it was blocked as soon as the car door slammed infront of his face and right after that his father drove away in a speed of light.

You were more than speechless, so you just sat back on the swings with a wondering look on your face.

'Jaehyun-oppa will be here tomorrow very sure! I just have to wait!', you assured yourself before getting back up and carried your small bag back home alone.

The next day, you went again to the playground and waited for Jaehyun.

"Jaehyun-oppa~! Eodiga~?(where are you?) .......... oooh~ I know! Oppa is playing hide and seek with me~ okay! I'll go find you", you started searching for him by the slides, the bushes, everywhere.... but just couldn't find him.

"Oppa is so good at hiding! Please I give up! Oppa come ooouuuttt", you screamed poutily.

No answer.

It was silence.

All you could hear was the soft howling wind.

"Oppa~?", you tilted you head making your two pigtails move with the gesture.

"Honey? What are you doing here?", you heard your mom calling you. You turned around and head over to your mother who was crouching down, waiting for you to go to her.

"I'm playing hide and seek with Jaehyun-oppa", you smiled cutely up to her.

Then your mother's expression changed from confusion to sadness.

"Honey.... Jaehyun and his family went to america...... and there's a high possibility that he won't come back....", your mom ruffled your upper hair gently. You frowned, "what are you talking about, eomma? Jaehyun-oppa said he'll be back and he'll be here... so oppa is definitely hiding somewhere where I couldn't find him", you said giggly.

Your mom looked at you and saw how serious you were when you said that you'll find him but she knows it useless.... knowing that they aren't coming back.

Your mom just waited for you while sitting on the bench.

You continuously went back and forth to find Jaehyun but all was in vain, for he had left with his family to America. She sighed and got up to go to you, she reached for you and hugged, "honey~ let's go home... we'll play again tomorrow".

Looking up at you mother, you sighed, "arrasseo~ eomma".

The next day.....

You went to the playground again and waited for Jaehyun, you wore a cute new dress and you wanted to show it to him so you waited and waited.....and waited.....aaannndd......waited....

He didn't even came.

Your mother came to pick you up while her brows were furrowed together in pity.

Day by day, you waited for him, but he never even came and that's when it hit you, he's never coming back. It made you feel so miserable.

You were crying while hugging your mom who had been trying her best to make you understand since he left from the beginning....but you never listened to her.

You begged your mother to go to America but your mother abate your begging because a lot of money is needed to be consume when buying flight tickets. She couldn't afford large money now that your father is somewhere far away from korea.

Then, you met Juhan.

A short kid....who typically has the same height as you are but older by a year from you.

You both have a similarity, dimples.

And that's how you got along with him. At first he was this cool guy but because of your sweetness with a cherry ontop he couldn't help but to get close to you.

You were like his sunshine after a rainy stormy day.

Juhan grown to love you but he realized that you treated him not more than a childhood friend until your age right now.

(Miru's note:~ okay this is a short flashback of when Jaehyun left little reader.....reason why Jaehyun's father doesn't like little reader is still unknown to reader~ just continue to read and you'll find out😉).

The day of the trial had come and you visited him for the last time before he really really go.

"Jaehyun-oppa... how are you today?", you asked with a worried smile. "I'm actually a little bit nervous.... but nonetheless I feel happy about all this, now I can meet my mom and hell or heaven, and of course...... I would miss you when I die", he smiled to you which warmed your heart.

Your eyes were already misty to the point you wiped it before it fell down your cheeks.

"Hey~ why are you crying (y/n)?~ shouldn't I be the one who's shedding tears right now?", he joked. You let out a half-hearted laugh, "yeah... you're right~ but e-even so.... y-y-you're not crying at all.... so I volunteer on crying on behalf of you oppa", you wiped a tear that flow straight down your cheek.

He looked at you and wiped your tears, "now... uljima yo(don't cry)...after I... just forget about me okay?". You looked at him and shook your head disapprovingly, "aniyo(no), I don't want to forget about you", you protested. He sighed before looking down, "this hand of mine was smeared with blood... blood of my own father.... and I need to accept my reality....".

"Park Jaehyun-sshi, your time is up", one of the guard open the door and waited for Jaehyun.

He smiled at me and a tear slipped out from his right eye, he was nervous but happy and this made you cry even more. You knew he was guilty but you knew he wanted what best for you and him.

"......y'know the reason why my father doesn't approve of us. Well... you were too perfect and he doesn't like perfect things because he is imperfect...what a stupid reason right? Hahahaha... Anyway.... Goodbye...(y/n) saranghaeyo", that was his last words before he was dragged away by the guards.

And that was the last you see of him.

You regretted.

You feel so heartbroken.

You were so confused.


Why his father made reasons like that?

You were so angered.

You should've come and see him.

Not running away from him.

And now, he's gone.

You couldn't do anything about it except for remorsing.

I Was Their First Snow(EXO X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें