Part 10

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Sehun's POV

He was (y/n)-noona's first crush, normally girls wouldn't forget their first crush, so that's impossible for her to forget about him, I bet he still likes her, darn it, I have to inform hyung later about this.

My face was keeping on an emotionless mask but I can still feel stares from people, I look up and again saw a group of girls giggling while staring at me. Seriously, what's with girls giggling while looking at me? Am I that handsome? I smirked to myself silently but quickly snapped out of it.

If I am handsome, noona would've noticed me quickly.

I wonder if noona likes one of us, Juhan-hyung is a brother to her, right? So it's okay.... We don't have to get rid of him as what Umin-hyung plans to.

As I arrived in our rent house, Hyung quickly gathered around me and asked how it was and I simply told them exactly what happened and what we encounter.... I mean! WHO we encounter 😅😅😅

"Hmmm..... so getting rid of him is totally a bad idea...yea, hyung?", Suho-hyung looked at Umin-hyung with a knowing look. Umin-hyung laughed nervously but still looks adorable.

"So let's just get rid of this Jaehyun-thingy, he's-", Umin-hyung's word was cut off by Luhan-hyung. "He's not a thing hyung", he corrected.

He grinned, "Oh yeah.... anyway, let's get rid of this Jaehyun guy before he made (y/n) fall in love back to him".

Then I decide to speak my word out, "I don't know why but I can feel a bad vibe coming out from that guy when we met".

"How so Sehunni?", Chanyeol-hyung asked as he looked at me while he crossed his arm across his chest. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I don't know....I just had this bad feeling".

"For now, let's just watch him if he does encounter her again", Kris-hyung finally spoke up after listening to our conversation silently.

We all nod our head and thought back.

"Do you know where he lives?", Tao-hyung asked while knitting his brows together and I quickly shook my head, "I don't know the exact place where he lives but I do know he lives in which street since he mentioned to noona to come over..... seriously guys, I have this bad feeling about him".

Suho-hyung let out a sigh and bit his lip, "guess we'll have to find out".

Normal POV

You were walking to school side by side with Juhan when a van stopped by your side, the two of you looked at the van and Juhan didn't hesitate to protect you so he stood infront of you.

Just then the door to the black van slid opened revealing 12 charming EXO boys.

"Come on in, we'll give you guys a lift", Suho smiled to you and Juhan. Juhan nodded with a smile and held your hand to gently pushed you into the van before he followed in suit.

Baekhyun who was sitting next to you poked your check, "good morning little Lamb". You giggled and grabbed his wrist, holding it down, "I'm not a lamb, Baekhyun-ah~ and.... good morning to you too".

"So, did you sleep well last night?", he asked with his bright smile. You smiled and nodded, "I dreamt of fluffy cats". He made an o-shape lips and clasped his hands together excitedly, "woah! That's fun! But..... I have a weird dream last night.... last night I dreamt a chicken flew on my head and pooed on me", he pouted.

You couldn't help but laughed, "hahahahaha, why did the chicken pooed on you?", you smiled, flashing your cute dimples. The boys stared at you while you were laughing on your own. Juhan watched the boys' reactions and suspected something but he shrugged that feeling off.

As Baekhyun told them his dream, everyone erupt into a fit of laughter, while Baekhyun only pouted cutely. Then the van arrived infront of the gate of your school, Juhan slid the van's door before he got out and helped you out of the van.

The boys students always stared you in awe for you always looked like a pale beautiful crystal snow. The EXO boys thought the same too.

Just as you stepped foot on the ground someone shouted your name, Juhan quickly scanned the area and found a familiar tall lean figure running towards the both of you while the EXO boys are descending down from their van to watch what was happening.

And. As per usual Juhan would be seen standing infront of you to protect you if something bad will happen.


When Juhan saw who it was he hesitantly went side way and let the said person meet you.

Sehun glared at the said person. Luhan who saw his glaring eyes, wrapped his one arm around Sehun's neck, "yah, what's wrong with you?".

"That's the guy that I was talking about.... Jaehyun", he continued to glare at Jaehyun who didn't realize that he was being glared by the maknae of the EXO, but slowly one by one, the EXO members started to glare at Jaehyun who was still oblivious to it.

"Jaehyun-oppa, what are you doing here?", you asked in confusion.

"I just missed you too much so I decide to come over to your school", Jaehyun smiled and hugged you tightly. The other 13 boys silently clenched their fist and some of them gritted their teeth.

"We just met yesterday, Jaehyun-oppa, how could you missed me already?", you pulled away from his hug to look at him with a proper view, "and....... how did you know where I study..?".

'STALKER!', the twelve EXO members screamed in their head.

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