Part 27

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Baekhyun was running around the fountain for about 10 rounds already, all because of Suho being jealous.

Chen then placed an arm around Suho, "yah, make him rest, you're not the only one who's jealous of it, we're too, we all know that today we are actually dating her so let it be".

He thought for a while and then nodded. You couldn't help but felt worried of Baekhyun, you know that he was only being playful and lovable with you so you know you shouldn't mind it too much.

You stopped him with teary eyes, "please stop.....", Baekhyun stopped right infront of you and he was shocked as he saw that you were teary. Suho's eyes widened that you stopped Baekhyun yourself.

"You're even worse, Suho. You made our first snow cry", Chanyeol shook his head in disbelief and walked over to you to hug you.

Juhan shook his head in displeased, "in my 11 years of taking care of her, she never cried because of a guy before.......except the part where she was taken by Jaehyun, I really thought THAT would be the last of it..... afraid not", he sighed and ruffled your hair.

"Well well well, look who's here~ thought I didn't hear that?".

Everyone was shocked after they knew who the voice belongs to.

The one and only dark purple haired guy name.....Park Jaehyun. You couldn't help but feel scared and hid in between Chanyeol and Baekhyun, both Juhan's classmates.

"Oppa.. musseowo", you whispered in a scared tone. Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol muttered, "gwenchana".

"(Y/n), where did you go? Yesterday you didn't came nor stay at my house", he asked while frowning playfully at you. "What are you doing here?", Juhan asked while cocking an eyebrow.

'Why didn't we see him coming here?', the other EXO members thought to themselves.

"Well~ I was bored to death in my home since I have nothing or anyone to play with", he said simply with a smile that sends shiver to all of them which include yourself.

"Enough of this! Give me (y/n) and I won't disturb any of you anymore!", he growled. All the EXO members growled back like wolves while Juhan stayed calm.

"Oh please, you can't kidnap her in a place like this not with all of us here and in the amusement park", Juhan continued his own word with still a calm look.


All of them started to protect you by standing infront of you when Jaehyun pulled out something from his pocket with a killer smile.

A smile that only belong to a killer.

Even the surroundings were shocked to see it.

He took out both a knife and a gun on both hands, "now, just give her to me and I won't hurt any of you, isn't that simple?", he twirled the knife with his one hand while smirking.

"We're not gonna hand her, there's no way", Kris said calmly but his eyes shows pure hatred to the guy infront of him.

He scoffed to Kris's words, "you seem like you don't care being stab that much, then shall I stab you first infront of all these people then?". Kris gulped but rolled his eyes, "I'm not scared to face that knife if (y/n)'s life depend on it".

He deathly glared at Kris before shooting Kris's thigh making him gasped and yelped in pain.

"KRIS!", they all yelled his name while helping him except for you, Juhan, Chanyeol and Baekhyun who still kept their place and protected you. You stared at Kris in horror, 'wh-why.... no, I can't let him do this to the others', your breath hitched as he pointed the gun to Chanyeol who was standing infront of you.

"Now, Mr.Tall, you better listen to me or I'm gonna shoot that head of yours like I shoot my dad~ kekekekekeke~ you wanna know how I killed my dad? As you can see, he tried to defend himself with this knife which end up me having this huge disgusting scar on my arm.... but then I shoot him in the end and his head explodes~", he grinned maniacally.

Baekhyun who couldn't help be disgusted, started throwing up on the nearest garbage can.

Kris who was still in pain, is slowly losing his consciousness as he stared sleepily at you while leaning his back on Luhan for support.

Suho gritted his teeth, 'no one messes with my members except for me, I'm gonna get you locked up and sentence you to death.... just you wait, Jaehyun', he growled silently.


Jaehyun continued to point his gun onto Chanyeol.

"Well~ won't you just listen to me like a good boy and hand her to me", he smiled to Chanyeol, but Chanyeol still didn't gave up for you. He wouldn't care if he get hurt like his hyung or even worse, but if it's for you, he'll do anything.

His glare on Jaehyun darkens and deepens, "I will never give her to you!".

"Heh, you're stubborn as f*ck, Let me shut you up so you won't talk for the rest of your life", Jaehyun smirked and was about to pull the trigger when someone shot the gun from Jaehyun's hand which made him growl and glared at the one who shot his gun, but wasn't surprise to see who it was.

"What a boring scene, Why does the police has to make a fuss about this thing", Jaehyun rolled his eyes.

"Hands in the air!", the polices yelled as they pointed their guns at him, they all started to corner him, who seemed displease.

Then the ambulance came.

'Sh*t, when did they call the police and the ambulance?', he glared at the EXO members.

Actually, while Lay was busy stopping the blood from oozing out from Kris's thigh, Chen quickly called for ambulance and Sehun silently called the police and they were on their way, it all happened before Jaehyun pointed the gun to Chanyeol.

It's a good thing they called the police before he would shot Chanyeol and before Kris lose his blood.

Kris was quickly taken to the hospital to extract the bullet off of his thigh. Suho then went to the police officer and handed a voice recorder.

When did he get that?

He always kept it, incase of an emergency eventhough sometimes it's irrelevant.

What did he record?

He record all the event started when Jaehyun came until now.

Why did he record?

Simply because Suho had enough of Jaehyun and hearing his lies and even hearing his confession in killing his own father, Suho also wanted to send Jaehyun to be locked in his cell and sentence to be punished or better, sentence to death because of his doings.

"Sir, this is another proof of his guiltiness", he hand the voice recorder to the police officer. The police officer thanked him.

"Suho! Let's go to the hospital, quick", Xiumin called out to their leader.

Suho nodded then turned to the police again, "could you do me a favour and investigate Park Jaehyun's father?". The police officer jot the name down and nodded to Suho before Suho left to go to the others.

(Miru's note:~ Oh no! Kris got shot! And he's losing his blood! What will happen to him? Will he left the EXO group....moreover, leave the world?

Anyway, it's already part 27, and I'm very much proud of myself for getting this far, Oh if you guys like or love BTS I have written a story in quotev, find "I'm not a fan (BTS x reader)", read it okay? And heart it a lot cuz I myself love my own story and I don't even know why yehet~

Oh and btw, I'm gonna be in a longer hiatus than before cu'z I have to concentrate in my studies for a while, well studies are really important for career~😅

I'm sorry tho but I really love cliffhangers!!!😄😄 oh and one more thing! Please keep on supporting my story, I promise it won't be that long for you to wait....... or... maybe not.. ah, I can't keep promises lol😅  )

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