Part 2

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You smiled to Juhan as he told you stories about his day that day. That boy never failed to make you smile. He had been with you since you were 7 years old, he was like a brother to you and he actually is like a brother to you, he would protect you and helped you when you feel down, he will always be there by your side through right or wrong.

You love him so much as your brother and he loves you too as his sister.

The both of you were eating together as per usual in the usual one pair seats. You guys would always hang out together as if you two cannot be tear apart.

"So, is one of the transferees in your class?", Juhan asked after he was done with his stories. You continued to smile, "no, not really hearing that they're going to transfer to my class at all~ how about you oppa?".

He hummed, "well two of the transferees are in my class actually, one was Chanyeol and the other was Baekhyun, though the teachers said that they were Chinese students....their names are Koreans", he wondered before he flopped a spoonful of jajangmyeon.

"I met Baekhyun a few moments ago and I think he's he?", you asked with eyes fill with wonder. He looked at you and grinned, "welp, for all I know, he has quite an energetic behavior".

"Oohhh", then you shrugged your shoulder and continued to eat.

But then a group of 12 students were walking around the cafeteria and was about to past your and Juhan's table, the cafeteria was getting louder with squeals and groans.

What made Juhan wonder was why the 12 transferees stopped at your table, which actually led by Baekhyun.

"Hyung, this is her", Baekhyun pointed a finger to you. You stared up in wonder then shifted your gaze to Juhan. "Oppa.....d-did I do something wrong?", your lips quivered a little. Juhan just silently calmed you down by smiling at you.

The 12 boys stared at you while you stared back at them in confusion.

It was silent for a while until the leader of the group, Suho, spoke up, "excuse me, is your name (y/n)".

You quietly nodded your head as you slipped another spoon of jajangmyeon into your mouth.

"Oh, Juhan-sshi! We meet again classmate!", Chanyeol placed his hand on Juhan's shoulder with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Chanyeol-ah", Juhan smiled up to him showing his cute dimples.

The other 11 remaining boys just stared at you.

'Wow, she's as fair as a snowflake', they all said to themselves in unison.

"Oh how rude of us, we should introduce ourselves, I'm Suho", he hand out a hand for you to shake, you placed your spoon and chopsticks on the table and shook his hand.

"I'm Baekhyun! We've met before already yes?", he grinned down at you as he shook your hand with him again. You nodded with a small smile.

"I'm Luhan, hello there Pretty Snow", he smiled cutely while shaking your hand with him.

"Kris, you're my style Little Snow", he smirked. You blushed a little.

"I'm Kai", he smiled at you as he grabbed your hand to shake.

"D.O", the slightly short male smiles shyly to you.

"The name's Chanyeol, you must be Juhan-sshi's chingu(friend)?", he flashed his cute smile at you while shaking your hand. You nodded your head returning the same gesture to him.

"Hai! I'm Tao", he quickly grabbed your hand and shook it with a huge smile.

"Lay", he only smiled to you.

"Hello there Snowflake! I'm Xiumin", he kissed the back of your hand with his cute smile.

"I'm Kim Jongdae! But my nickname is Chen", he shook your hand.

And lastly the maknae of the group walked forward to you and smiled, "Sehun is my name".

After they introduced themselves to you, you couldn't help but wonder why the boys would be even talking to you in the first place.

You stared at them for a while and decide to continue eating.

"Aaa.....excuse me", Suho called out again to take your attention. You munched your food silently while staring at them.

"We just...came here to say to you that...... Umm.... we would love to hang out with you in another time", Suho explained.

"Mwo?(what?)", Juhan asked in confusion.

Chanyeol smiled, "well, as you can see, Beautiful Snow here is what actually made us came here, but Baekhyun started it, so we just got curious and when we actually saw you talking to her, we just wanna spend our time together, is that okay?".

Juhan made a thinking expression before he looked at you for an answer. You stared intently to Juhan since you don't really know what to answer.

Juhan then looked back at the 12 boys, "well, it seemed that (y/n) doesn't want any unwanted it means, no thank you, she doesn't want to hang out with you guys", just then Juhan stood up and carried both tray of food with one hand which belongs to you and him, and grabbed your free hand gently, "now, if you'll excuse me", he pulled you with him gently.

"Geez, I didn't know Juhan has this kind of side", Baekhyun pouted. "Well duh~ we just met him, how could we know all about him in just one day? Please logic!", Chanyeol shook his head with a fake frown but holding his laughter.

"Hyung........ she's really pretty", Sehun said as he stared at your fading form from afar.

"C'mon I have an idea!", Xiumin ushered his dongsaeng to go with him to a more quiet place to tell them his plan.

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