Part 15

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Luhan ended up doing a derpy face as forced by Baekhyun. Eventhough it didn't work on him because he still looks cute, he looked a bit funny at least.

After a lot of winning toys and playing games in the arcade, both Luhan and Baekhyun insisted on carrying the toys they won for you.

"C'mon, let's find the other members, cutie snowflake", Xiumin smiled and wrapped an arm around your neck while pulling you elsewhere.

You couldn't stop smiling because of the things they did for you.

Sehun then pointed somewhere to which all the members looked then laughed, they saw Juhan's sleepy look while listening to Suho's talks about how vitamin is good for everyone's body.

You giggled slightly and the other members, Suho and Kris saw you, they both left Juhan and they started to change their shift and making Juhan busy. Suho and Kris went beside you.

"Heya Little snow, ya have fun with the others and not me?", Kris lift strands of your hair gently. Suho chuckled, "geez, I must've missed loads of fun".

You look up at the two of them before smiling earnestly and took something from your bag, which was sweets and chocolates. You feed them with a cute smile eventhough they were slightly blushing because of you.

"It's sweet", Suho laughed.

"But..... not as sweet as you", Kris smirked. Suho playfully punched Kris's arm in annoyance, "you're so lame, Kris". But Kris continued to smirk since he know that it took an effect on you.


"You should try this necklace, it looks great on you", Suho smiled to you as he gently put a heart necklace around your neck.

"Why don't you try this instead?", Kris showed a cute teddy bear necklace holding a heart. You giggled, "both of the necklace are cute, I can't even choose".

"Then choose both", both Suho and Kris said at the same time. You thought for a while, "but...Suho-ah Kris-ah... if I choose both... it's too expensive". Kris chuckled in a cool way before he placed his arm around your neck, "you're so caring~", he winked, "don't's the part of spoiling you".

You blushed lightly at the closeness. Suho glared slightly at his hyung.

In the end the two of them bought both necklace for you and put both on you, eventhough there were two necklace, the combination looks really good.

"Let's go have bubble tea", Suho smiled widely, "my treat.... where's Sehun? I bet he doesn't want to miss my treat".

"Did someone said my name???", Sehun yelled from afar, "and did I heard someone said bubble tea?????", and the next thing you all knew, you could see Sehun running around to meet the three of you with his brightest smile. 'That's weird but cute', you smiled to yourself.

So the 4 of you went to bubble tea shop and ordered different kind of bubble tea.

Once you ordered, the four of you grabbed a seat.

"I never tasted bubble tea before...", you swirl the bubble tea drink with the straw as the pearls float in the bubble tea drink. The youngest of the members nudged your arm with a smile, "don't just look at it noona, drink it~ it's really delicious".

You pouted slightly before sipping it and your eyes sparkled at the taste, "hm~ mashita!". He laughed and grinned to you, putting one arm around your neck and patting your head, "I told you~ ohhorat".

'Ohhorat? What is that?', you thought to yourself but decide to shrugged it off by enjoying the bubble tea and his warmth companion.

The maknae enjoyed being with her while the other hyung glared menacingly at him.

"Noona~ did you have fun today?", he smiled at you. You look up at him and returned the same gesture before nodding your head.

"Umm... let's go shoe shopping next", Suho decide to ask you with a hopeful smile, you smiled in return and nodded again.


"Let's try this one on", he took a high heeled boots with your size and asked you to seat down so he could put it on for you. You gulped lightly, you knew that high heels aren't your thing.

"Perfect fit, c'mon try and stand up", he held your hand and helped you up. Sehun who was still drinking his bubble tea, (he forced his hyung to buy for him again) watched your nervous face. Kris walked closer to the both of you.

"It's not her style, Suho", Kris warned. "But it looks good on her", Suho pouted at his hyung, "and what do you mean it's not her style?".

Just then, you tried to walk but fell down, just in time for Kris to catch you from falling on the ground, "see? I told you it's not her style", he held you properly and stared into your eyes, "you okay, little snow?". You smiled and nodded again, "thank you".

You sat back down and slipped open the high heel black zip boots. Suho fell on his knees and grabbed both of your hand, he had a guilty look on his face as he look on the ground, "I'm sorry that I happened to force you to wear it...".

You look at him and giggled, not quite what he would expect from you, he was expecting you to yell at him or slap him or ignore him, but laughing was what he least expected. He looked back up at you only to blush.

You were smiling sweetly at him, "gwenchana~ Suho-ah, I know you didn't know about it so I forgive you", you made an eye smile. 'She's so cute', the three of them said in their mind.


While on their way back to your home~~

You were sleeping in between Luhan and Lay, while your head was lying on Lay's shoulder.

Lay was stiff from the beginning you started sleeping and lying your head on his shoulder. He took a peek of your sleeping face and he blushed.

"She's too tired for her own good, what did you do to her to make her this tired?", Juhan asked with a curious tone.

Baekhyun held his hand high up in the air, "oh oh! Let me answer that! Firstly we bought her candies and chocolates, then we played games in the arcade and win her lots of teddy bears, then hyung bought necklaces for her then bubble tea then-". His line was cut off by Juhan.

"Okay, I think that's enough.........well.... was it worth spoiling her then?", Juhan asked while cocking an eyebrow.

All the EXO members wore smiles on their face, "worth it".

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