Part 14

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They bought lots of sweets for you and you shared your sweets with the 8 boys (Xiumin, Lay, Tao, Chen, D.O, Chanyeol, Sehun and Kai). The 9 of you were wandering around in search of any of the other members and you all found Baekhyun and Luhan talking near the arcade.

When Baekhyun landed his eyes on you he quickly pulled you with him and dragged you inside the arcade.

"Let's play some arcade games~~", he grinned excitedly and you couldn't just say no to him. So you nodded but before you proceed to play the game you asked him to open his mouth.

He blushed pink, "e-eh? Why?". You smiled and answered, "just open your mouth". He closed his eyes and hesitantly parted his lips and he blushed even more when he felt a soft thing brushed over his bottom lip before something sweet was in his mouth. He closed his mouth and his eyes widened in excitement,  "woah! That taste is so sweet!!".

Luhan who was curious walked over to us and made a cute pout. "What tasted sweet?", he pouted cutely. You giggled, "say aah". He didn't hesitate to open his mouth and you gently slipped the chocolate Hershey's into his mouth.

Once he start chewing it, his eyes sparkled, "it's really sweet!! Let's play a game together!".

"Yah yah yah, she promised me to play with me first", he rolled his eyes at him. "Geez, why does that sound dirty to me?", Luhan thought to himself before he was punched on his arm by a pouting Baekhyun. "Yah, you do know I don't mean that hyung".

You could only watch them bickering and teasing eachother silently. You find them really amusing so you giggled silently but that didn't go unnoticed for both Baekhyun and Luhan looked at you.

"What's so funny?", Baekhyun pouted for the nth time of the day. "Someone's gonna end up shipping you together", you smiled innocently and the reaction you got from them was blushing faces...more like embarrassed blushing face.


You pouted and huffed a defeat sigh, "I lost again..", you bit your bottom lip and had a saddened look on your face. Both Baekhyun and Luhan were watching you and couldn't help but complimenting how cute you look but they also wanted to see your victory look.

"I guess I'm bad at car racing", you pouted again. Luhan then had a great idea, "let's try basketball".

You looked at him with slightly wide eyes, "I don't know how to play basketball", you look back down in embarrassment. Then you heard him chuckled, "I can always teach you play".

Baekhyun frowned slightly at the thought of that, "let's take turn, who can teach her basketball will have to do whatever he wants". Luhan smirked, 'jealous much, Baekhyun?' "Deal then".

Firstly, after Luhan put the token into the game, he let you throw the basketball first and well.... it didn't go in.

The both of them chuckled and Luhan went behind you and grabbed your hand from behind. He then moved your arm the way he shoot the basketball ball, he hesitantly let go of you.

".....try and shoot the ball", Luhan smiled at you. You nodded and tried to shoot but it didn't get in, you let out a sigh.

Baekhyun grinned widely and came up behind you, silently hugging you without Luhan knowing. Your face couldn't help but turn pink because of his warmth.

"If I were short, no offense, like you, I would rather crouched down a little", he demonstrate it by making you leaned down a little, he's hot breath could be felt being brushed on your neck which made you blush again.

"Then, after you do that, jump up a little and the way your hand will throw the ball is..", he held your right hand and positioned it below the ball and he held your other hand positioning it on the side of the ball, "and once you position it like this, jump a little and release the ball like this", he again demonstrate it by scoring the ball into the ring.

He let go of you after slyly planting a kiss on your cheek. 

(Miru's note:~ heh, that sneaky Baeky)

"Now try it", he smiled cutely.

You closed your eyes and calmed your rapid heartbeat because of him. After a few seconds you finally let out a relax sigh before throwing the ball.



Went in!!!!

I Was Their First Snow(EXO X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz