Part 33

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"Hyung, what did Xiumin saw???", Baekhyun asked as he was standing away from the door and was near to the bed where you, Tao, Sehun, Lay and Kris were.

Kris parted his lips and was about to answer when the nurse came in and checked him. She then gave him the painkiller before leaving the room.

You looked at Kris and grabbed his arm, "what happened next?". He shifted his gaze from his medicine to you, he leaned closer to your ear and whispered, "you don't..... wanna know". You pouted, " it really scary?". He looked at you and nodded.

You bit your lip, "then....... I want to know it". He cocked an eyebrow, "you serious?".

"Yah hyung I want to know what happened next", Chanyeol asked curiously while placing his chin on his palm.

"OK then.......... when you guys came here, did you see three long scratches on the wall from room to room?", Kris asked while looking down at your hand that was still holding his arm.

All of them (not all, only who was listening to Kris's story on the bed was looking) walked back out to look and ending up having a shocked and terrified look on their faces. They quickly went back in and nodded their head vigorously.

"EXPLANATION!", Tao begged. Kris chuckled slowly then smirked, "Minseok-hyung, you continue".

"Me?", he pointed to himself with a wondering look on his face. Kris nodded his head.

"But.......ok fiiinneeeee.....", he then turned serious, "what I saw was definitely creepy..... blood was on the wall, along with the long scratches, the hall was silent.......too silent, the eerie laughter couldn't be heard after the lights went back on but..... then I heard stomping.... really quick stomping, it was like someone running around but heavily, you know what I mean right?".

They all nodded and quietly listen.

"Then.......... what made me shut back the door was when I saw someone, wearing a patient attire, running through the hall with this killer smile and was carrying three scalpel with 'em", after he said that everyone in the room gasped except for the other three who knew the story.

Suho was somehow interested in the story and had been listening for a while.

"After I shut the door close, I quickly locked it..... both Luhan and Kris asked why did I locked the door and I just shook my head... right after I locked the door, the stomping was louder and went passed our room, not without scratching the wall with three scalpels", he continued.

Everyone had their eyes on Xiumin as he told the story.

"Hyung! Who is that creepy patient??", Chanyeol asked while furrowing his brows together.

"....the creepy patient was...... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................the nurse told us not to tell you guys~ so hyung apologize~", Xiumin said with a sorry smile. You puffed your cheeks with a slight pout to the annoying ending.

"Yah hyuuuunnngggg, you can't end that story like that! You have to end it perfectly!", Baekhyun whined while stomping his foot on the ground.

"Hahahahahahah jeongmal mianhada~ it's a secret", Xiumin laughed it off.

Tao rolled his eyes, "geez, I'm not gonna stay here, it's already creepy hearing the story".

Kris looked at you and smirked his sassy-ass smirk, "so? You wanna stay here with me tonight after hearing my story?". You stared up at him and nodded, "un!", and everyone was shocked.

"Yah, why? You already know this place is haunted, how come you still wanna sleep here?", Chanyeol laughed.

You stared at him with big curious eyes before shrugging your shoulder, "I just want to experience sleeping in a hospi-.... hei......... I just remembered............. today is monday, right?".

Everyone nodded and it became very clear  that everyone just realized that today is school days. You actually can't afford to not go to school, so you quickly got up and pulled Juhan's sleeve to drag him to school but Suho stopped the both of you.

"Don't worry, let me handle that, Kai-ah come with me", Suho dragged Kai by his collar and there they were out.

You bit your lip while tapping your foot nervously. Baekhyun then wrapped his one arm around your neck.

"Gwenchana~ Suho-hyung knows what he's doing, for now let's just go shop some latte for the others", he dragged you out of the room and someone jogged to your other side.

"I just can't let you have a date with her, it's not fair at all", Sehun pursed his bottom lip. Baekhyun made a 😬 face, more like an annoyed face. (The picture above)

"Yah, maknae.... FYI we're only going to a shop to buy some lattes but it would be a great help if you want to help us by carrying it", he said in a matter-of-factly and a sassy look.

You shook your head in disbelief, "now don't get mad at Hunni~, Baekhyun-ah". Then Baekhyun pouted, "so you're on maknae's side kkaepsooooooonngg".

You and Sehun laughed at his childish behaviour.


The three of you arrived at the coffee shop and ordered 14 hot drinks. (Including Chen because they assure that he will come back to the hospital to see his hyung and would remember that today was school days)

"You just carry two, we'll carry the other 6", Baekhyun insisted after he ruffled your upper hair. "Oppa, why are you treating me like I'm a 5 year old girl?", you puffed your cheeks.

"That's because you are~", Sehun smirked as if he had grown two evil devil horn above his head. "That's a total insult, hunni", you rolled your eyes and walked anyway from them as if you were sulking.

Both Baekhyun and Sehun smiled happily and caught up to you while carrying the drink.

"Is our first snow sulking~?♡", they both said in unison as they were already standing beside you. You puffed your cheeks and ignored them.

Both of them laughed again before they kissed your cheeks at the same time making you blush beet red because of it.

(Miru's note:~ bad news readers~~~~ the story is going to end soon..... but don't worry I'll make sure to have this story a happy ending.😅😅 hope so, oh and since I'm writing another story about MonstaX😉, Monbebe please wait okaaaaay???? 😙😙😙 )

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