Part 23

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Then all of you decide to go to the haunted house, but only two people could go in.

In this occasion, Suho asked the bravest to be with you, which was Chen.

He smiled to you and intertwined your fingers with his long ones, "let's go in", the both of you went in and it was dark. Really. Really dark.

You could hear this spooky laughter from next to you which made you hugged Chen's arm. "Ch-chen..", you whimpered. "Gwenchana~ I'm here", Chen smiled sweetly eventhough you couldn't see it.

Then while you were walking, someone grabbed your feet making you hid on Chen's chest while whimpering, "hahaha~ I'm the happiest person alive", he grinned proudly.

He patted the back of your head before continuing on walking. "Chen... m-museowo (I-I'm scared)", you were shaking due to scared. He laughed lightly and smiled again, "don't worry too much, as long as I'm here, you're save with me. For now, let's talk to ease your mind".

"O-okay........of all the members, why did Suho chose you as the bravest?", you asked while still hugging his arm. "Well~ a few years ago we were testing our bravery in a haunted house, we either get to go alone or go in pairs, the others were screaming because they were scared except for me and Xiumin-hyung.... it was clearly that Tao, Baekhyun and Luhan-hyung were scared the most", he chuckled to himself, "it was snowing that time so I gave the ghost some hot packs".

Your jaw dropped, "you actually gave the ghost? Aren't you scared?". He shook his head as a no, "why would I be scared? Ghost aren't real.... but why are you scared?".

"U-umm..... I don't like their scary face and their jumpy appearance.. just that", you explained while walking with him, totally ignoring the ghost that kept appearing now and then. He chuckled, "ohhhh so that's why~ are you that jumpy person who would be shock when suddenly someone pat you from behind?".

You thought to yourself and nodded, "I think so".

"Woah, that's cute, just like the person", he smiled to you as he dragged you around the haunted house. You shook your head in disbelief, "Chen, please stop complimenting what's not true".

He gawked, "a-aniya~ it's the truth, you're actually really cute and beautiful", he grabbed your intertwined hand with him closer to his lips and kissed the back of your hand tenderly, "don't deny it". Your face flushed because of his sweet action.


The both of you walked out from the exit. Chen was smiling at you eventhough his face could be seen steaming red. The other members stared with a curious look and a frown. "Yah! Chen! Why is your face red?", Baekhyun pulled Chen away from you and held his collar. Chen smiled and shook his face, "a-ani~ (n-no)".

Suho cocked an eyebrow, "what happened in there? I couldn't hear a scream at all".

"Yea~ I didn't hear (y/n)'s scream at all, isn't she scared?", Kai asked while furrowing his brows together. "Hahaha~ long story short, (y/n) didn't scream at all, but she was shaking due to scared", he explained but the embarrassed you playfully slap his arm, "oppa kkumanhae(stop)", you pouted with a blush spreading on your face.

"Geez, it should've been me with you, noona", Tao puffed his cheeks. Baekhyun looked at him in disbelief and then he mimicked, "'jebal~ jebaaall~', that's what you yelled while you were in the ghost house". Tao went flush red in embarrassment, "you said as if you're not the same".

They all laughed.

You look and tugged Chanyeol's sleeve, "I'm hungry", you stared up at him and blinked your eyes as you waited for his response. He stared down at you and smiled, "sure, let's go grab something to eat, should we tell them or just-". You smiled, "your choice".

He looked at the others as they were talking about how the scaredy cats screamed in horror that night, then he shifted his gaze to look at you with a sly smirk, "c'mon let's ditch them, beautiful snow", he wrapped your arm around his arm and quietly dragged you to somewhere else.

The both of you went to a cotton candy parlor and he bought you a strawberry flavored cotton candy. You pinch and pulled the cotton to firstly feed Chanyeol with your sweet smile. He gladly accept it. You then feed for yourself, "this cotton thingy melts in my mouth, was it supposed to be like that?", you asked excitedly.

He stared at you with his dazzling smile, "don't tell me you never tasted that before?". You only giggled nervously, feeling shameful of yourself for tasting it for the first time.

He ruffled your hair with his smile, "Hahahahahah, you really are a snow girl". You look at him quizzically, "why do people keep on saying that?". "Well~ do you know how rare snow fall? *you nodded* so that simply means that you are the rarest of them all, and them by mean girls, you're a rare girl, and we would love to keep you and love you for ours only", he explained as he walked with you to a drink shop.

"Ah.... was that actually a compliment?", you asked as you and him approached the counter to order drinks. He nodded as he smiled sweetly at you, he then turned to the counter and ordered cool drinks for the both of you.

When your orders were served, the both of you decide to seat down.

"you and Juhan are really close, hunh?", he asked out of the blue while stirring his drink with his straw. You nodded, "yea, but since you guys came by, Juhan-oppa slowly become a bum, I don't know what he's thinking right now", you chuckled to yourself while Chanyeol laughed out loud.

"Yah, did you actually just said that?", Chanyeol laughed. You nodded, "should I or should I not say that?", you tilted your head to the side.

He was still laughing and shrugged his shoulders, "it's not actually a big deal, so you can say whatever you want~ hei, about the haunted house you went in, what happened?".

You stared at him while letting the cotton candy melt in your mouth but smiled in the end, "Chen just told me stories so that I won't be scared". His jaw dropped hearing your words, "he actually told you stories in there? Geez that brave kid, did he just dragged you around so that you won't be scared?".

You nodded while taking the cotton candy again into your mouth.

"He's a real gentleman", he thought to himself outloud. You giggled, "you're saying as if you're not a gentleman". "Eh! Yah, I am a gentleman!", he protested with a shock but cute face.

"There you guys are! We've been searching for you everywhere!", Sehun grumpily said while heading to your seats. He look at you and held your hand, "c'mon, let's eat some rice cake", he smiled to you, pulling you up at that, you quickly grabbed the cotton candy with you.

Kris went over to you and Sehun, "where was she? Was she with 'that guy'?". Sehun shook his head, "gladly she's not with 'that guy', but instead she was with Chanyeol". Kris then breathed out a sigh of relief, "that's good news", he then looked behind you and saw Chanyeol walking to the three of you.

"C'mon, let's go to the restaurant, the others are already there", Kris ushered while locking your fingers with his warm and long ones.

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