Part 34

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"What's taking them so long?", Chanyeol groaned, "tch, I'm gonna check-", right after he said that the door was opened by Sehun and you walked in after Sehun and Baekhyun walked after you.

"Yah, what took you guys so long?", Chanyeol glared at Baekhyun. Baekhyun made a kissy face, "what? You missed me already Channi~". Chanyeol rolled his eyes in annoyance and playfully punched Baekhyun's arm.

Baekhyun then made a hurt look but he was only acting because he laughed, "hahahahahahahhaa beautiful snow here was sulking because she said me and maknae are treating her like she's a 5 year old girl.... but I am right, right???😉".

"Well..... she is a small girl to me tho", Kris murmured.

"Oppa! 😡 kkumanhae", you pouted to both Kris and Baekhyun, who ended up laughing because seeing your cute pouty sulky face.


Sehun, Baekhyun and you passed the hot drink to each of them, leaving three more available drink which was for Chen, Kai and Suho.

Just then Chen rushed into the door and screamed, "yah it's school's---".

"We already knew that, Chen", D.O laughed it out seeing his hyung panting like he had been running for hours.

"E-eh? But no one's even worrying?", he continued with a puzzled look on his face before you offered the hot drink to him, he accepted it with his cute Camel-dinasour-like-smile.

"Suho-hyung and Kai-ah are going to handle it.... I guess Suho-hyung has an idea", Lay explained to assure Chen's troubled mind.

Right then both Suho and Kai walked into the hospital room with smile.

"So? What happened?", D.O asked while tilting his head to the side with a curious look on his face. You silently sat on Kris's bed while sipping the hot latte.

"The Principal agreed as usual~", Suho smiled which made the others had relieved face, "but yeah~ we also told that we'll study together because of the studies that we missed today so don't worry".

"So when exactly do we study together?", Juhan finally asked after observing from here and then.

"Later.... but today~..... we told the teacher to come over to the hospital .... beside~ Kris needs to study too", Suho chuckled and patted Kris's shoulder. Kris huffed an annoyed sigh, "just as I'm about to be happy because I don't have to study and you ruined it Suho".

The whole room laughed to his whine.

"Kris, how's your leg?", you asked while poking his thigh where it doesn't hurt but he yelped.

"Ow!", he made a winced face. You pouted, "yah, don't lie! That part doesn't hurt".

He peeked to look at you and smiled while chuckling, "d'aawwwwwwww I lose~", he grabbed your free hand and stroked his thumb over the back of your hand, "it still hurts but if you're here, it doesn't even hurt at all".

"Geez hyung, you're being cheesy", Baekhyun made an annoyed look before he jumped on the bed and Chanyeol joined him along with his sly grin.

"Yah yah yah yah!", Kris yelled.

You quickly got up from the bed and giggled as they annoyed the hell outta their hyung.

Baekhyun again jumped on the bed as if he was a kid while Chanyeol was touching stuffs he wasn't supposed to touch.

The others just stared while laughing their hearts out.

Then Kris kicked Baekhyun's butt with his other leg that wasn't hurt and Baekhyun feel down on the ground with a huge pout.

"No fair hyung! You let little lamb sit there while you kick me off, VERY UNFAIR😬", he continued. Suho then pulled Baekhyun's ear in annoyance, "that's because you're disrespecting your own-", his line was cut off by Tao. "-father! Appa is hurt and you're disrespecting appa! That's why appa and eomma is angry".

Suho sweatdropped after hearing Tao's words. Chen laughed out loud while slapping his knee.

Juhan shook his head in disbelief but he couldn't help but also laughed.

"I'm not your mother Tao", Suho sweatdropped and let Baekhyun go. Baekhyun rubbed his ear with a huge pout.

"Well you're the one who take care of us like a mother so you're our mother~", Tao explained proudly.

Xiumin grabbed you from behind and let you sat next to him, he smiled cutely as you looked at him with a confused look.

"I believe you haven't known about this.... we're a group of EXO and there are two groups in exo. Exo-k and Exo-m, the leader in M is Kris and the leader for K is Suho. Suho took care of us and he sometimes gave us money if we need anything~ just like our mother and he is sometimes or....mostly emotional, while Kris is like the father of the group because he's manly. Annnnnnddd..... he's the tallest in this group", Xiumin explained as you were keen to listen.

"I can't be the mother when I want someone else to be one", Suho cast a glance at you and everyone looked to where he was looking.

"You're trying to say as if Pretty Snow would want to be the mother of the group........ I DEFINITELY DO NOT APPROVE!", Luhan huffed an annoyed sigh. Sehun cocked an eyebrow, "eh??? Why not?", he placed an arm around his hyung's shoulder.

Luhan pointed an accusing finger at Kris, "he's the problem! It's like he's married with Pretty snow and I don't want that!".

"ANDWAE!! (no way!) I'll settle it! Kris-hyung is the appa, Suho-hyung is the eomma, we are the aegi(children), DONE!!!", Tao grinned as if he was proud to his own words.

Everyone eyed Tao and laughed out loud.

"Geez, what a big and weird family", Juhan shook his head while still laughing. Chanyeol pointed to Juhan with and smirked, "don't back out Juhan-sshi, cu'z you're definitely in the family too".

"ehhhh??????", his jaw dropped as he heard what Chanyeol said .

"I'm sorry Juhan-ah for being dragged into our weird family.... well you are already like a family to us......... (y/n) is like the Wendy in our Peterpan life", Suho apologize with a slight laugh.

Juhan looked at you and smiled before ruffling your hair, "would you look at that~ you're their Wendy in their Peterpan life".

You blinked your eyes for a while.

"Who's Wendy and Peterpan?", you asked with a visible puzzled look.

All of them jaw dropped and some of them sweatdropped.

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