Chapter 63 Old Seaway Road

Start from the beginning

I laughed.

"No, I really can't talk." Harry repeated.

"Don't hang up!" Liam snapped.


"Harry, if you hang up that phone......"

Then the line went dead.

Liam stared angrily at the screen.

"Why did we pair them up together?" I asked.

"It seemed like a good idea." Liam blinked.

"A good idea." Zayn snickered.

"Attention passengers." The overcom came on. "We will be landing in less than five minutes. Thanks for flying and enjoy your time in Ireland."

"Thank ya." Zayn said in reply.

"Okay guys focus." Liam blinked.

"I put the address in my phone and it said it is 30 minutes away from the airport." I said to them.

"Which means, we might be seeing Nikki today." Liam stated.

"Or might not." Zayn added nervously.

"There's a 50 50 chance." I shrugged.

"so what do we do when we get there?" Zayn asked.

"We stand outside and watch." Liam nodded.

"Then what?" I asked.

"Then we go inside." Liam narrowed his eyes.

"But what if....." Zayn was like freaking out.

"Zayn!" Liam grabbed his shoulders. "You'll be fine. Okay?"

Zayn nodded after a second. "I just want to get Nikki out of there if I can."

"We all do." I said confidently.

They both looked at me.

"What?" I blinked.

"Do you really love her?" Liam asked.

"With all my heart." I nodded.

"How do you know?" Zayn cocked his head.

"You know the whole 'love at first sight thing'?" I blinked awkwardly.

"Yeah." Liam smirked.

"I think that's what happened." I smiled. "I think I fell in love with her from the first time I saw her."

"The question is: Does she love you back, mate?" Liam blinked.

"I'm not sure." I sighed. "With Harry sticking around, it's always hard to tell."

"I don't think she likes Harry like that." Zayn spoke up.

He was nervously fidgeting with is hands.

"I think she likes him as a friend." Zayn nodded.

"You think?" I grinned happily.

Zayn nodded.

"That doesn't mean she likes you." Liam sighed. "But there's a chance."

I didn't care.

Harry was trying to steal my girl.

But if she didn't like him, then she must like somebody.

Maybe it was me!

Maybe it wasn't....

But as long as she didn't love Harry, I didn't care.

Harry needed to be put in his place.

I don't think a girl has ever turned him down about anything.

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