Chapter 45 Lost

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A/N: Can somebody please make me a movie trailer or ask somebody who knows how to make me one? Thanks, it would mean a lot if I had one!!!!



Nikki's POV

Think Nikki THINK!

What is the first thing you do when you need to find someone????

Call them.

I scrambled up the stairs and grabbed my phone out of my room before dialing Louis' number.

"Pick up!" I chanted asI paced the room.



"Sorry this is Louis Tomlinson's voice mail. Please leave a message after the beep."

I rolled my eyes and hung up before it could beep.

I called the other four too and none of them answered.

I texted Harry and told him to call me ASAP.

Where were they?

They never came home!

They didn't answer their phones!

What if something bad happened!!!???

"No, no, no Nikki." I whispered to myself. "S-stay calm."


Maybe they came home last night and got up extra early to go get a coffee or something.

But wouldn't they leave a note?

And they would still answer their phones....

The idea came across me to tweet them.

@OfficialNikkiN_: @Louis_Tomlinson WHERE ARE YOU???

I did it with all the other boys too.

None of them had tweeted anything since yesterday.

I even checked the band account.


I checked all the trending stuff and all the hashtags.


There was.... nothing.

It was like they disappeared.

Okay, but the world's biggest boy band can't just fall off the face of the earth can they?

There is only one way they could stay hidden.

No communication and isolation.

And when I thought those two words, only one thing came to mind.


Somebody had probably kidnapped them!!!!

I started panicking!!!

Oh no!

Oh, god no!!!!!

There was absolutely nothing I could do.

I was almost 16.

I had a US permit, but I had no idea if that even worked in the UK. Anyways, I can't drive anywhere.

There was nobody I could call.

There was only one thing I could do.


I had to wait.

Some part of me was hoping that all of this was just a big prank, but something told me that all of this was real.

The rest of the day, I sat on the couch, with my laptop open on twitter.

I made a fake account so that I could follow just them and it would notify me if any of them tweeted.

The TV was on the news, incase they came on TV or something.

My fingers were clutching my phone, just hoping that they would call.

All day, I sat there.


Then the sun started to set, notifying me that this day was almost over.

A day.

They had been missing for a whole day.

Somebody would have noticed by now that we never got on flight this morning and we never arrived in New York.

Maybe they would call.

Maybe they would call me, asking me where the heck One Direction was.

And I would tell them I didn't know and then they would tell the police....

My eyes started to flutter shut, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

How could I sleep at a time like this?

I have no idea.

Then BING!

My eyes snapped open and my head quickly faced the laptop screen.

One of them had tweeted.

"Liam!" I gasped in relief.

He had just posted it like a second ago!

That meant he was on his phone still!

My fingers danced on the screen as I dialed Liam's numbr and pressed it to my ear.

Come on! Come on! Come on!

It rung and rung and rung......

"Hello?" A voice answered.

It was Liam's voice and he sounded like he was laughing.

"You have A LOT of explaining to do!" I growled into the phone.

"Who is this?" Liam asked.

Who is this?


"Nikki!" I shouted. "Nikki Northington!!!!!!"

Liam hesitated before shouting. "OH MY GOD!!!!"

"Yeah, remember me!!!!!" I screamed at him. "You had better have a really, really REALLY good explanation and I'm giving you five freakin minutes to explain!!!"

"Uh, now is not the best time." Liam said awkwardly.

"Why?" I said in fury.

"Because I'm about to be on International TV!!!!" Liam exclaimed in a panic.

"International?" I said confused. "What nation are you in?"

"I'm in The United States."


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I will update tonight. I probably should have added this to the last chapter, but oh well.....

Haha! :)

I'm being suspicious today!

7,000 views!!! OMG you guys are so amazing! I love all of you! Especially the ones who have been with me from the beginning. Your loyalty and respect means so much to me. You have no idea. Thanks so much!!!

FAM of the day:

I ride horses and I LOVE them!!!!!!!

Virginia (@vc71799) is my best friend and she rides with me and our horses are best friends too!


How did Nikki react when Luke and ashton followed her on twitter?


Lost Somewhere In Between (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now