Chapter 8 She Won't Forget Me Soon...

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A/N: Okay I know I said I wasn't going to post another chapter yet, but my story just got a hundred reads! So this is a celebration chapter. And yeah I know I left you on a cliffhanger so... onward with the story!!!!


Nikki's POV

"What the heck?!" I exclaimed, horror covering my face. The lady had just kissed Niall! ON THE LIPS???

Niall pulled back, surprised by the change of events.

"Kiss me again!" The lady exclaimed.

"Are you crazy?" I shouted and the lady glared at me. "You just don't kiss people!"

"That's how you get boys to like you dear." The lady growled and smirked. "But I can see you wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

"Niall, hold me back!" I growled as I charged at her. Niall was there to stop me and he started to push me through the door.

"Come again sweet cheeks!" The lady called at Niall.

Niall turned around to face her. "I don't think I'll ever be..."

I used this chance to escape from him and I ran up to the lady.

"We will NEVER come back to this guitar store!" I shouted. "NEVER!"

The lady slapped me across the face. I stepped back my eyes wide. My face stung like nettles were poking my skin.

"Are you gonna cry?" She said, squishing my cheeks.

"No, but you will be." I managed a laugh before I swung my fist. I hit her square in the nose and she fell backwards screeching.

"Run!" I shouted, running past Niall and we sprinted down the street. This time I knew people were taking pictures of us, but i didn't care. Niall was laughing his head off and I was hollering with joy.

"I'm invincible!" I crowed before running up to the house.

Me and Niall barged in, both of us crashing to the ground in laughter. The boys were sitting at a table eating cereal.

"What's so funny?" Liam got up to close the door.

"That was great!" Niall breathed before laughing again.

I was crying, tears dribbling down my cheeks. "She was never expecting that!"

"Why is your face bruised?" Harry was staring at my face, his eyes wide.

"Wait, what?" I stopped laughing.

Harry stood up and walked over to help me up. "Your face. It's bruised."

I ran to the bathroom and stared at my reflection. My face was bruised. It was a bluish purple color and I saw made face turn red with anger.

"I'm going to kill her!" I shouted.

"Did Niall hurt you?" Louis demanded when I came out.

All of them gasped when they saw my purple cheek.

"No, Niall protected me." I growled. "But that lady has what's coming to her."

"Now, now." Niall stepped in front of me as I made my way to the door. "I'm pretty sure she learned her lesson, love."

"Are you sure?" I looked at him.

"I think you broke her nose." Niall gave me a small smile. "I thinks it's enough."

"What the heck happened?" Louis demanded.

"I'm sure you'll see it on TV." I put my hand softly on my cheek. "But anyways, I'm going to take a shower."

Before they could ask anymore questions, I walked upstairs.

After taking a warm shower, I put on some fresh clothes and sat on my bed, opening my notebook. It was my songnotebook. Whenever i was sad or angry, I let my feelings out on paper and it worked beautifully. I felt like a mini Taylor Swift.

"She's got no idea what's coming for her." I sang. "She'd better run and hide! Oh, she won't escape. Not this time!"

There was a knock on my door an I froze. I slammed my notebook shut and called nervously. "Come in!"

To my surprise, it was Harry.

"Hey." He smiled and shut the door behind him. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"I heard you singing." He laughed and sat down next to me on the bed. "You were really good."

"Uh, thanks." I smiled nervously.

"What song was that song called? I liked it, but I've never heard it before." harry asked.

"It was uh..." I scratched my head.

"You made it up!" He figured it out. "You wrote that didn't you?"

"Yes." I sighed.

"Sing it!" Harry exclaimed.

"No." I shook my head. "I don't sing."

"Yeah, you do. I just heard you! And you can't write a song if you don't sing!" Harry pointed out.

"You've got to be a pretty close friend for you to hear me sing." I said with a smirk.

"What do I have to do to become a close friend?" He asked with a grin.

I sighed. This boy wouldn't give up. "You have to hang out with me a lot, you have to keep my secrets, you have to promise to never to lie to me."

"I'll do it!" Harry smiled and stood up. "And we can start hanging out in about an hour when I start making your lunch!"

Oh I forgot about that. "What are you making me, Chef Styles?"

"Your pick." He shrugged with a french accent.

"I want noodles." I smirked. "Surprise me."

"Will do." He grinned back walking towards the door. "Goodbye love!" He called and left, shutting the door behind him.

As much as I hate to say it, Harry Styles might end up being my best friend.


A/N: Awwww. That's sweet. :) But if Harry ends up her best friend, what roles will the other boys play? Louis obviously gets the role as "the brother", but what will the other three get? Hmmmm......

And by the way, I won't update again until I get 25 votes so go vote like crazy if you want to read the rest! :D HAHA! I'm so mean to you guys...

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