Chapter 6 Who calls at 1 in the morning???

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Nikki's POV

I sat up straight, my breath coming out in quick gasps. My hands grew very sweaty and the phone started to slide in my hands. I swallowed nervously.

"Dad?" I asked in shock.

I hadn't talked to my dad in over 10 years, longer than I haven't seen Louis. Why did he call so randomly? Why was he angry?

"Tell me where you are." He spat.

"Why?" I growled. "You haven't asked where I've been for the past 10 years. Why does it matter now?"

My dad rumbled with anger. "Answer my question young lady."

"Answer mine first." I spat.

"Its... non of your concern. Where is your mother?" He said angrily.

"Where is your mother?" I shot back at him.

"In Russia. Are you in Russia?" He demanded.

"No I'm not in Russia." I said and then blinked. "Wait, yes, yes, I am in Russia..."

"Stop messing with me!" My dad shouted and I jumped in fear. "Tell me where you are!"

I snickered and a smirk played on my lips. I was about to do something that sent all parents over the edge. "No."

"Do it now or else." He threatened.

I laughed. "Or else what? You don't even know where I am. You can't do anything." I heard him cursing in the back ground. "Besides, need I remind you that you're not my legal guardian anymore. You can't touch me."

"Oh when I find you, you are a dead girl." He shouted and I felt chills go down my spine. Terror spelt through me.

"I'll give you one last chance." He said slowly. "Tell me where you are."

"Tell me where you are."

I heard him shout and I heard something like glass shatter in the background. I smirked. I liked it when I annoyed people.

"When I find you, you will regret this conversation." He said quietly before hanging up.

I put the phone down and listened to my iPod. I needed to clear my mind. He was probably drunk and was just confused. But the last thing he said kind of scared me. He was going to kill me. KILL me. He wouldn't do that. Would he? My mom would never tell me the reason he left. I know he went for jail for something, but my mom would never tell me why. Why?

I felt my eyes close when two hands landed on my side. I let out a screech of pure terror and held it for about 10 seconds before ripping the ear phones out of my ears and diving off the bed. I landed painfully on my arm, I stumbled to my feet.

"Get away from me you freak!" I shouted and threw something at whoever was in here. "You'll never catch me. I'll run and go down in a fight before you have a chance to kill me!" I threw something wooden at the person and I saw Niall run in and flick on the lights.

"Nikki, what's wrong!" He cried and I put my hands over my eyes, the light burning them.

When I opened them I saw Niall walking over to somebody who was hiding on the floor. I climbed on the bed and looked down to see Louis. He had his hands over his head and he was in a defensive position.

"What was that for?" He moaned.

"Louis?" I got off the bed and crouched beside him. "Was that you who touched me?"

"Yeah," Louis groaned. "I was just checking to see if you were okay or not."

"I'm sorry Louis." I apologized and wrapped my arms around him. "I thought you were someone else."

"Who would be trying to kill you?" Niall asked, crouching down with us.

"What?" I asked, pretending I was confused.

"You were shouting about running away from someone killing you." Niall prompted.

"Oh," I lied and looked back down at Louis. "It was nobody. I was just scared."

"Are you sure?" Niall looked at me suspiciously with his curious blue eyes. "I heard you having a very angry conversation on the phone."

How did he know about that? "Were you listening to my conversation?"

Niall shook his head and knocked on the wall. "Thin walls. I came up here to change into pajamas."

"Oh." I blinked.

"You sounded angry, so I sent Louis up here to check on you." Niall motioned towards the door where the other boys were standing. "And we heard you scream."

"Oh, I'm sorry for disturbing you." I said guiltily. "I'm fine." I looked down at Louis. "Did I hit you with anything?"

"You almost did." Louis sighed in relief. "With that picture frame."

I picked up what he motioned to and turned it around. I gasped. It was a picture of me and my mom and my dad when I was a baby. Everyone was smiling, including me. But the glass was shattered. And the way it shattered scared me. The glass cracked in a way the separated my dad from the picture. Was this some sort of sign?

"What is it?" Louis asked and I shook my head.

"If this would have hit you..." I said sadly, feeling really guilty. I could have killed my cousin! The fans would NOT be happy.

"Don't worry about it love." Louis said with a smile. "Let's just all go to sleep."

I nodded and crawled in bed for the second time. The boys tucked me in and turned off the lights and I was at peace. But just as I was about to fall asleep, my phone rand AGAIN.

"Who the heck calls this late at night?" I growled before answering it. "Hello?"

"Nikki!" Kelly said happily into the speaker.

"Kelly." I brightened. "How are you?"

"I'm great." She laughed. "I hoped I called at the right time. I calculated the time differences and everything."

"It's one in the morning." I said lazily looking at the clock.

"You are in Chicago right?" She asked.

Aww man. I forgot to tell her about that.

"No I'm some place else. It's a long story, but can I please call you tomorrow? I'm really tired." I pleaded.

"Sure, but you better tell me everything." She said and hung up.

I sighed and smiled, shaking my head. Then my phone vibrated. I expected it to be Kelly, but when I opened it my eyes widened.

From: Unknown

You better not move an inch >:(


A/N: Creepy huh? Can you guess who the texts from? haha! Anyways, talk to you later!

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