Chapter 1 Who would possibly want to watch me?

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"Schools out!" I cheered as the bell rung. I stood up out of my desk and slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"Miss Northington, please sit down!" My teacher, well not my teacher anymore, said.

"Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed. "Schools out for summer! I'm leaving!" And with that I walked out the door grinning.

The hall ways flooded with kids as they raced out the doors. I joined in the flow, bumping into people as I hollered. Coming out of the school, I bounced down the steps, one at a time.

"Nikki!" Someone called and I turned around to see my best friend Kelly.

"Kelly!" I cheered and raced over to her. "How are you doing, sophomore!" I exclaimed with a wink.

"Good sophomore." She winked back.

"Oh this is awesome!" I shouted as we walked down the sidewalk towards my house. "Me and my mom have a whole summer together! We are going to Chicago! And New York! And Boston! And Chicago!"

"You already said that." Kelly laughed nervously.

"Yeah, I know!" I squealed. "I'm just so excited!"

"So what am I supposed to do while you are gone?" We turned a corner as Kelly sighed. "I'm doing nothing. Nothing. This entire summer."

"We can Skype." I gave her a smile and she smiled back sadly. "Hey listen, I'll buy you presents, and T-shirts, and send you postcards..."

"Deal?" Kelly offered her hand.

"Deal!" I shook on it and skipped a stride as we walked. "This is going to be the best summer ever!"

"Hey, try to bring back a cute guy for me, will you?" She laughed. "You need a boyfriend."

"What is this boyfriend you speak of?" I said in a "yoda" voice.

Kelly laughed. "Come on, it's about time you get one."

"I don't think so." I laughed nervously. "I'm too weird around boys. Plus, the only boy I would ever want to date is Luke Hemmings. And who would want to date me?"

Kelly hated when I talked about Five Seconds of Summer. Just like when I hated it when she talked about One Direction.

"Eddie Smith." Kelly said after a moment.

"Are you serious?" I exclaimed, my face lightening up. Eddie Smith was the cutest boy at my school.

Then Kelly snickered and I realized she had been teasing.

"Shut up!" I pushed her roughly and crossed my arms.

"Hey," She laughed and put her arm around me. "That's what you get for pranking me yesterday."

I had given her a nasty prank letter from her crush telling her he liked her.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Hey, who's having the best summer ever?" Kelly poked me in the ribs.

"ME!!!!" I shouted, threw my arms in the air, and ran all the way to my house. Kelly arrived two minutes later.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye." Kelly gave me a hug.

"I'll miss you." I squeezed her close.

"And don't forget our deal you fool." She gave me a light punch in the arm and walked down the sidewalk. "Text me!"

"Bye! Will do!" I shouted before skipping up my driveway and through my front door.

"I'm home!" I cheered, slinging my book bag into a corner where it would stay all summer. I danced into the kitchen excitedly where my mom was cutting an orange.

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