Chapter 35 Five Seconds of I may pass out

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A/N: Guys! I got a keek! If you want to ask me a question, just video message me. Or if you guys don't understand something like why a character did something and you need me to explain, I will. And I just use it for important stuff too.

And now for the story.......


Harry's POV

The girl standing on the staircase was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen.

Her dress was bright and captured the color of her eyes.

Her curly hair was done to perfection and gave her that cute look.

Her make up made her eyes pop out and made her look like a model.

"Wow." I managed to say as she came down.

I've never seen Nikki look so good.

I mean she was beautiful before, but the make up....

It did a lot...

"Nikki." Louis stepped over to meet her at the stairs. "I... I..."

"You're beautiful!" Niall bursted out and Nikki blushed.

"Thanks you guys." She grinned.

That smile. I could tell she had once had to have braces. Her teeth were too perfect to not have.

"You look so different with make up on." Liam commented.

Nikki smiled.

"And the dress looks great on you." Zayn gave her a thumbs up.

"You are stunning, love." Louis told her and pecked Eleanor's cheek. "El, you did good!"

"All I did was the makeup." Eleanor smiled. "Nikki did the rest."

"SO you got in a fight over this dress." Liam asked. "If so, it was totally worth it!"

"Liam!" Louis scolded. "We are encouraging her not to fight! Come on now!"

I laughed.

"This wasn't the dress I fought for, but it is prettier than the one I gave up." Nikki grinned. "Eleanor made me feel like a princess when she was doing all of this."

"You are a princess." Niall winked.

"If you call me that I will call you Potato." She shot back and Niall smiled.

Then she set her gaze on me and everyone else. "You all look good too!"

We were wearing some nice, casual clothes that management had told us to wear. We actually did look good in them. I just wish I could have chosen. I would have picked something more fancy.

"Thanks babe." I smiled.

"Alright, let's go!" Liam blinked. "We don't want to be late."

Outside, a limo was waiting for us to get in.

We all kind of piled in.

Nikki sat between me and Niall.

"Photo time!" I took out my phone and me and Nikki took a picture together.

I then posted it on twitter.

@Harry_Styles: Hanging with the bestie :) @OfficialNikkiN_

Nikki's phone vibrated and she got out her phone.

She smiled at the picture and retweeted it as we pulled out of the neighborhood.

"So what's happening at the photo shoot?" Zayn asked. He was sitting across from me, facing my direction.

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