Chapter 9 He took away my Xbox

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Nikki's POV

Uh oh. I raced into the living room. Niall was laughing his head off on the couch.

"Niall?" I asked hesitantly.

"It's on TV!" Niall laughed and pointed at the television.

"A new girl has been seen hanging out with One Direction these days." The announcer of the show smiled into the camera. "She was seen being dropped off at their house and hanging out with the Irish cutie Niall Horan."

I flinched as Harry came to stand beside me. He put his arms around my shoulders comfortingly and I smiled at him gratefully. I was prepared for the worst of what this lady was about to say.

"Rumors say that she is related to Louis Tomlinson, the oldest member of that band, but there is no defiant proof of any relationship between them." The lady announced.

"Thank God." I put my head in my hands.

"But we do think there may be a relationship between this girl and Niall Horan." The lady said, clearly not finished with embarrassing me.

"Oh-" Niall started to say.

"Crap." I finished for him. We exchanged a glance and stared back at the screen.

"The two were seen walking together early this morning. But reporters were stunned to find Niall kissing another girl in a local guitar store this morning." The lady spoke and then it change to a video of Niall kissing the lady.

"Ew, Niall." Harry grimaced.

"I was forced against my will!" Niall defended himself. "Simon's gonna kill me."

"Following this shocking kiss from Niall Horan, there was a fight between his kisser and the new girl staying at the house." The lady flashed back on screen before flashing off again. A video of me and the lady popped up. I was all in her face and then she slapped me.

"You let her do that to you?" Harry exclaimed angrily, staring at my cheek.

"Wait for it." I smirked.

Then I punched the lady in the nose on the TV.

Harry broke down in laughter, leaning against me for support.

"Harry as funny as it is, it's not funny." I said, trying not to laugh.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"I don't know who this girl is, but she could be a body guard for One Direction, so look out all you mischievous fans." the lady winked and Niall turned the TV off.

We all burst out laughing.

"Now that's funny!" Harry shouted.

"I'm like 5'3!" I clutched my stomach. It was hurting, I was laughing so hard. "How can I be a bodyguard?"

I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around to see an angry Louis with his arms crossed. Uh oh. I frowned and Harry released me from his grip. Niall stood up instantly and stared at me guiltily.

"What were you thinking?" Louis said at me angrily. I looked around, finding the room more interesting.

"Niall. Nikki." Liam came in. "We need to talk."

Double UH OH. I was more scared of Liam than Louis. Niall and I exchanged a glance before going up to Liam. Liam pointed upstairs and we both truged up there guiltily.

Piling into Niall's room, I sat on his bed and Niall leaned against the wall. Liam shut the door. I gulped. Triple UH OH.

"Niall." Liam said slowly.

"I know, I know." Niall growled. "I should have been more responsible and I should have been more careful."

Liam glared at him and then rested his dark eyes on me. "Nikki?"

"I should have not slapped her." I said narrowing my eyes. "Even though she deserved it."

Liam sighed. "Nikki." He sat down on the bed beside me. "I was bullied as I kid."

I blinked in shock. "You were? But your amazing!"

"Thanks." He gave me a sad smile. "And I know what it's like when people say hurtful things to you. Trust me. And sometimes they even physically hurt you..." he trailed off. "But that doesn't give you the right to hurt them back."

"Then how do I stick up for myself?" I asked quietly.

"By standing strong and walking away." He smiled at me. "Only defend yourself when you have to."

I smiled back, realizing he was right. I shouldn't have punched the women. It was her loss that she had enough nerve to slap me. During all of this, Niall was staring at me anxiously, looking from Liam back to me.

"I'm sorry." I sighed and nodded. "You are right. I shouldn't have hit her. I was wrong."

Liam gave me a big smile before hugging me. I rested my head on his shoulder as his long arms closed around me.

"The next time you need me, just call." He whispered in my ear, his breath warm.

I laughed and we pulled away.

"Thanks Liam." I stood up and walked back towards to door to apologize to Louis.

"And Nikki." Liam stopped me. I turned around and set my eyes on him. "If your mom calls, tell her Louis took away your Xbox."

"I don't have an Xbox." I laughed.

"Well we will get you one." Lim assured me and I laughed as I walked downstairs.

"Louis?" I called quietly.

"In here." I followed his voice to find him sitting on the couch with Harry and Zayn. "Care to explain?" he set his big ice eyes on me.

"I'm sorry." I said firmly. "I was wrong, I shouldn't have punched her in the nose. The next time I'm in that situation I will either walk away or speed dial Liam."

Everyone laughed and I smiled knowing I was forgiven.

"Let's get that bruise cleaned up, yeah?" Louis stood up and walked me into the kitchen.

I sat down at the table and my phone vibrated. Looking i saw it was a twitter notification Liam had tagged me in a post that said:

I'm proud of you :)


A/N: Awwwwwwwww Liam and Nikki moment. :') It makes me happy but sad at the same time. But anyways. Since there is a lot of twitter stuff in this story, I was thinking about making a twitter account for Nikki. that way if you have question you want to ask her, you can just tweet. :) I'll let you know what the username and stuff is in the next update and stuff. Tell me what you think about that. Should I make one?

And it appears to be that Niall has a crush on Nikki and maybe Harry'll have to wait and see. But Unfortunately, I can't come up with a name for them. When you combine Niall and Nikki it just comes out to be Niall and Nikki because their name both start with "Ni." Can someone help me with that. You can do one for Harry if you want, but I'm not telling you anything about his feelings for her yet....

And Happy Birthday to @karenq !!!!!!!!!!!! :) Hope you have a good one!!!!!

See ya later!!!!! :D

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