Chapter 3 The Creepy Guy On The Airplane

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Nikki POV

My eyes widened as my alarm went off and butterflies flew in my belly. Today I was flying to London. I sprung out of my bed and ran into my bathroom. I put on some short shorts, a T-shirt, my usual fashion bracelets and put my hair into a ponytail. Then I grabbed my suitcase and skipped down stairs.

My mom was waiting by the door with a thick jacket on.

"It's about time." She complained. "I got up at 5:30 in the morning to take you to the airport!"

"I know it took me a second." I grabbed my small backpack and put it on my shoulders. "You're just jealous because I'm going to stay in a flat with some hot boy singers for the next two and a half months."

She shook her head and then muttered. "I'm a little jealous."

I laughed as we plied into the car. The whole ride there was my mom telling me what to do because this was the first time I was going on a plane by myself.

"You go through security and then wait at your gate." My mom instructed. "You will fly to Georgia and then you will take the long plane to England."

"Yeah, yeah I know what to do." I shook my head with a laugh. "Mom don't worry."

"Sorry." She sighed. "I'm just a worried mother."

"I'll call you when I get to Georgia, okay." I laughed.

"Just be careful." My mom gave me a weak smile as she pulled up to the drop off zone. She planted a kiss on my forehead and I smiled. "Be safe."

"Will do." I gave her a thumbs up and climbed out of the car. "Love you!" Then I turned around and dragged my rolling suitcase behind me. My mom waited until I was inside before driving off into the dark.

The airport wasn't that busy inside. Well I guess because it was 6 AM. I didn't have to check any baggage because my suitcase could fit into the overhead bin. Passing the security test, I went to my gate. When I got there they had just started boarding. It was a small plane because it was only like a 45 minute flight to Georgia.

I boarded and got in my seat by the window. It was only one person per row, so I was by myself. Falling asleep, I woke when the plane landed in Georgia. Wow, that was a short flight.

"Welcome to Atlanta Georgia." The attendant said and gave us an image of what the airport looked like. I got off and quickly called my mom.

"Hey, I'm in Atlanta." I grinned as I walked through a crowd of people.

"Good, how was your flight?" My mom asked.

"I suppose it was good." I shrugged. "I slept the whole way."

We talked a little bit before I hung up. Now it was 8:15, mostly because of the time change. My stomach growled because I was hungry so I stopped by a little magazine store to get some cereal bars. As I was paying I noticed they had a magazine of One Direction. Well, if I was going to spend summer with them, I might as well know the latest gossip.

After purchasing it, I found my next gate and boarded my next plane. This was also a small plane, but on this one you sat in rows of two. I was nervous about would sit next to me. I'm kind of shy, and I didn't want a creepy guy next to me.

Sitting down next to the window, I decided to text Louis.

To: Louis Tomlinson

Just got on the plane to England! See you in a few hours!

After a few seconds, he replied back.

From: Louis Tomlinson

Yay! Have a safe trip! Paul will be waiting to pick you up!

Lost Somewhere In Between (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora