Chapter 23 The Princess of Polar Bears

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Nikki's POV

The crazy, snobby, girl launched herself at me. I jumped out of the way and she smacked into a manican behind me. They both fell to the ground, Katie landing on top of it. It crashed loudly and I backed up hesitant. Dudes the store owners were going to be mad.

People turned our direction, staring at the princess of snobby land. Wow, this must be awkward. Katie and the manican were in an akward position. I laughed and she turned around and glared at me.

Uh oh. A bad feeling entered my stomach. You never made a snobby girl mad.

"Don't fight!" My brain cried to me. "Remember what Liam said?!"

"Shut up me!" I ordered myself. "Liam didn't mention someone tackling you over a dress!"

"Eleanor, would you hold this?" I asked as Katie came running at me again. Eleanor took the dress just as I was tackled.

Katie and I crashed to the floor. She put all her weight on me, forcing the breath out of my stomach. Geez, how much does this girl weigh? She stuck one of her knees painfully in my stomach and I winced.

"Get off of me!" I howled heavily, all of my air being squished out of my body. I struggled and tried to push her off, but she had me in a firm hold.

"Not until you give me the dress!" She spat. I shrunk back, her spit landing in my face.

"Ew!" I gagged. "Say it don't spray it!"

"Give me the dress!"





"Eleanor help! I'm being pinned down by a polar bear!" I cried. But Eleanor was having her own problems. She and Katie's dad were fighting over the dress now.

Come on now! Where was Eleanor Calder when you needed her? Then I quickly reminded myself that she had my type of personality. She was defending me like I would defend her. I just hope that she and Katie's dad don't end up tackling each other. Now that would be awkward.

"Did you call me a bear?" She said in shock.

"I called you a POLAR bear!" I gasped for air. "Get off of me!"

I laughed mentally. Polar Bear. Ha. She was the princess of polar bears.

"No!" She growled. She plunged her knee deeper into my stomach and I couldn't take it anymore.

I used all off my stength to push her off of me. She fell backwards and onto her back like a turtle.

Wow, she was all kinds of animals wasn't she?

Rolling on my belly, my got to my feet only to be tackled again. Katie plunged into my back and she landed on top of me again, but this time she wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed. Was she trying to kill me?

"Give me the dress!" She demanded.

"No!" I squeaked losing the air.

"Give me the dress!" She repeated into my ear. My face turned white as I couldn't breathe. My lungs started burning and I panicked. I was about to die!

"Do something Nikki!" My lungs screamed.

There was only one thing to do in a situation like this.

"Ow!" She cried and released me from her grip. I used this chance to throw her over my head. She fell to the ground and sat up, staring at me with shocked eyes. "Did you just bite me?" My teeth marks was on her arm.

"You tried to kill me!" I sucked in air.

"Because you won't give me MY dress!"

"It's my dress polar bear now stop fighting me!"

"No! And don't bite me ever again!" She ordered.

"It's what had to be done." I smirked. "I hope I drew blood."

"And you called me a polar bear!" She stood up and glared at me. "You know what, your a shark!"

"Sharks are cool." I crossed my arms with a smile.

"Fine you are a snake!"

"I like snakes too!"

"Then you are a PIG!" She hollered at me. "A big, fat, ugly PIG!"

My eyes widened and everything got silent. Katie's Dad and Eleanor stopped arguing and looked at me.

That's when I started laughing. Everyone looked at me confused.

"What's so funny!" Katie demanded.

Then I called her something I thought would never come out of my mouth. I tried not to cuss, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

Katie then tackled me again and yanked on my hair.

"Ow!" I shouted. "Do you want me to bite you again?"

She didn't stop, but I didn't want to bite her again. Sigh. I guess I had to... But she nailed me in the mouth as I tried to.

"People don't bite!" She yelled and pulled my hair harder.

I punched her in the eye, not as hard as I usually would. All I was hoping to do was get her off of me. But my punch did nothing. She just squinted her eye and continued beating me up.

I sighed mentally and regretted what I was about to say.

"You can have the dress!" I said just as she puched me in the nose.

"Ow!" I cried. My nose was still very sore from yesterday. Luckily, she didn't punch like I did so it wasn't that bad.

"What?" She said confused.

"Just take the freakin dress!" I shoved her off of me. "It's not worth it!"

Katie's dad and Eleanor had started arguing again when we had started fighting again.

"Eleanor!" I called. She looked at me. "Give them the dress."

"What?" Eleanor was surprised. "Are you sure? It's beautiful and one of a kind."

"It's okay." I winked. "I don't want it anymore."

Eleanor then nodded and handed the dress to Katie.

"Thank you." Katie's dad said firmly. "Now what shall we pay you?"

"I don't want your money." I growled. "Just leave us alone!"

They nodded and walked away. The girl glared at me as they passed and I stuck my tounge out at her.

"Why did you let it go?" Eleanor sighed. "I was ready to fight for it! I didn't even get to throw a punch!"

"Because." I smirked. "I found a better dress." I walked past her and pulled out a short knee length royal blue dress.

"Beautiful!" Eleanor gasped. "So much more pretty than the other one!"

I nodded.

"Well go try it on silly!" She giggled and pushed me to the dressing room. I walked into a stall and slipped my clothes off and zipped my dress on. Letting down my curly hair, I stared at my reflection. I liked the dress. It made me feel pretty. I stepped out of the stall and faced Eleanor.

"Well what do you think?"


A/N: Yay! I finished another chapter. I like writing fight scenes, it's funny. Especially the part where Nikki bit Katie. That was @karenq's idea. That was for you @karenq! Hope you liked it!


To be continued....

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