Chapter 48 Just Can't Let Her Go

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A/N: this chapter is kind of confusing.

The 2nd NIKKI POV comes after the 1st NIKKI POV.

The 2nd HARRY POV comes after the first HARRY POV.

Does that make since?

If not, let me know.

Anyways, enjoy!!!


Nikki's POV

"Wow." Kelly breathed into the phone. I could hear her shuffle uncomfortably.

I had just told her everything. Everything.

Except for the dad thing. And my dead brother.

I had tried to text Virginia, but she was busy at something based off of her tweets and the spams of her followers.

"Yeah." I grumbled. "Worst Summer Ever. I want to go back to school."

Me and Kelly were the only players on my soccer team that went to our school.

The others were spread out among different ones.


Kelly gasped dramatically. "I never thought I would hear you say those words."

I managed a laugh. "Yeah, me neither."

"Well I get home from France in about a week." Kelly said. "That way you at least won't have to go back to Russia."

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Thing about the good things that came from all of this..." Kelly tried to cheer me up.

"There wasn't." I protested.

"Well, look at it like this. You got the soccer team discovered in the UK!!!! Dude I've gained thousands of followers and people even are making us fan pages! It's amazing!!!!!" Kelly sounded like she was gonna fan girl.


Could she fan girl if she was the person that was being fan girled over?

I have no idea...

"Ya." That made me happy. I smiled.

Soccer always put me in a good mood.

"You know practice starts next month right?" She asked me.

"Really?" I blinked in surprise.

"Yeah, Coach moved it up a few weeks since we are scheduled to compete in London." Kelly cheered.

"Well, that's just another reason for me to get home." I tried to cheer myself up. "I have to start conditioning."

Kelly sighed at my unhappiness.

"Look Kelly." I bit my lip as a taxi pulled up outside the house. "I... I have to go."

"Already?" Kelly said softly.

"My... my ride's here." I croaked.

Pain pierced my heart.

"You can always change your mind Nikki." Kelly reminded me. "You can give them another chance."

"No." I shook my head. "I am tired of stressing out about what I am going to do and not do. I AM leaving, no exceptions. No turning back."

"Okay." I heard Kelly say supportively. "Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and threw my bag over my shoulder.

I numbly opened the door and went over to the taxi.

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