Part 16: Decisions

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Brian's POV

I didn't give an answer right away. I thought about it for a few days, which made Sal anxious, but he understood that I needed time. Tonight I'm going to give him my answer, but I need to talk to Faith first. That's where I'm headed now; to meet her at a coffee shop.

"Well aren't you punctual," I say as I walk up to her and give her an awkward hug. I was trying to be a couple minutes early, and she still got there before me.

"Early's on time, on time is late, and late is laps."


"Marching band rule. Basically always be early, because if you're late you have to run laps or suicides or somethin'."

"Oh. That makes sense I guess. So, how've you been?"

"Busy. Tired. The usual."

Weird. Usually she's happy and positive, but right now she seems... depressed. This is going to be hard... "Well let's grab a coffee and have a seat. Well, actually I don't drink coffee, but you can have whatever you want."

"I don't drink coffee either. And I'm fine, I don't need anything."

"Well we have to buy somethin' or they'll ask us to leave."

"Fine." We both order a small hot chocolate and sit at a table. "Okay Q, please don't beat around the bush. Just tell me straight up what you need to say."

I take a sip of my drink and carefully set it down. For some reason it's difficult to look her in the eye. "It's about Sal and I..."

"You like him?"

"Well, yeah, I've already told you that."

"And you're going to act on that feeling. You're going to date him."

"...Faith," I look up at her and take her hands in mine, but she pulls away. "I'm sorry..."

"No, I get it." She blinks really fast. "There's really no reason for me to get upset. We weren't dating so it's not like I can really say anything. But I will tell you one thing."

She's taking this awfully well... "What's that?"

"Next time you have feelings for two people, figure out who you want before you have sex with one of them. Especially if you're taking their virginity." She stands up and gives me cash for the hot chocolate. "Thanks for the drink. See ya 'round, Quinn." And just like that, she's gone. Before I can even refuse the money.

My drink gets cold before I finish it so I just throw it away and go to meet the guys at Joe's. We stay there for hours, order pizza, joke around, play games, watch TV, and talk about the show. You know, the usual. I actually can get my mind off of everything for a while, and I'm thankful for the opportunity. I love being with these guys. It's like I'm a teenager again, without a care in the world about what's gonna happen tomorrow. After a while Sal announces that he needs to go home. I follow him out to his car.

"Wait, Sal!"


"D'ya mind if I come over for a while?"

He smiles. I love seeing him smile. It brightens my day. "Sure bud!" The half hour drive is brutal. It gives me time to think, which gives me time to get nervous. Sal notices it when we sit in his living room. "Q, you okay bud?"

"Yeah, um... I broke things off with Faith today."

"Really?" He seems happy at first but then hides it. "I mean, I'm sorry. That must've been tough."

"Actually she took it better than I thought."

"Can I ask why you broke it off with her?"

"Yeah. Sal," I take his hands in mine and look him dead in the eyes. "I've made my decision." His eyes start to light up, which makes me smile. "My answer is yes. I will be your boyfriend."

"OH MY GOD!" The wind is knocked out of my lungs when he tackles me in a hug. He smothers my face in kisses.


"Oh, sorry..." He quickly gets off of me. "Um... would you like to stay here tonight?"

I smile warmly at him. "Yes, I'd like that very much."


Sorry for the short chapter. I'll make up for it in the next part if ya know what I mean ;)

So what do you guys think about the new couple? Are you happy Q picked Sal, or did you want him and Faith to get together? Will she completely cut herself off from the guys or will she continue to be friends with Q?

Please vote, comment, and share! :D  

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