Chapter 26

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"Iris, stop it. You're going to hurt yourself."

"What?" Iris looks up at Felix from her spot on the log next to the camp fire. She didn't realise that she'd zoned out and began scratching at her elbow again. "Right, yeah."

"Promise me you'll stop?" He asks, with worry evident in his tone, as he bends his knees so he can get down to her level.

"I-I'll try, Fe," she whispers, her voice cracking slightly.

Felix smiles sadly, nodding at Iris. He hates seeing her like this, so scared and fragile. She even had to sleep in his tent last night because she was clutching so tightly onto him and wouldn't let go. It's not like she had a good night either, when she was finally able to fall asleep a nightmare scared her awake again.

Felix knew it was because of Peter's actions, but he would never say what Peter had done was wrong. Everything Peter does has a good reason behind it, whether it's killing a lost boy or slitting a pirate's throat. At least, that's what Felix believed.

"Would you like something to eat? Or maybe some water?" He asks softly, but she just shakes her head in return.

"Please can you ask James to come sit with me? I-I don't want to be alone after you leave," she mumbles quietly.

"Of course," he nods, causing his blonde hair to flip in front of his eyes slightly. "James! Over 'ere!"

James quickly jogs over and Felix signals for him to sit down beside Iris, which he does. He places an arm protectively around her and she flinches at his touch before relaxing into his side. Felix sighs deeply and stands up, leaving them in a comfortable silence.


"Peter, she's a sweet, innocent girl. She was abused by her dad and gets scared when someone even raises their voice louder than they usually speak," Felix explains, frustrated.

Peter and Felix have been arguing about Iris for the past five or so minutes, because Peter won't accept that Iris is just different to the boys. Felix is trying to help him see that she's too innocent for murdering and watching people's body gush out blood.

"Then she needs to toughen up if she's going to stay here," Peter shrugs.

"You've really scared her Pan, she's started to go... crazy. I think," Felix mutters, bowing his head slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you noticed how she's even skinnier than she was before? Her eyes have darker circles, her skin is paler and her lips aren't the usual pink that they were. I had to stop her from scratching at her skin earlier,"

"Why do you take so much notice in her?" Peter asks, his eyebrows furrowing as he steps closer to him.

"Because I try with her," he snaps back.

But then he sighs trying to calm down, deciding that arguing with Peter probably isn't the best way to get his point across. He needs Peter to listen to him, and he knows that if he starts snapping back at him it will only get Peter angry.

"Don't start being like that Peter, she's like a little sister to me," Felix continues calmly. "I just don't think this place is helping her like it helped the lost boys."

"I don't care, she's not going anywhere," Peter says, turning away and flicking his hand up in the air.

Felix sighs, giving up, and storms off in the opposite direction to Peter.


peter is annoyed that iris is upset awh

IG: neverland.luke
Tumblr: autumns-rainyday

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