Chapter 50

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Peter feels himself slowly losing his temper as he watches Anthony continuing to miss the targets set out for them, when it's really not that hard. Plus he's got the stress of danger constantly itching at the back of his mind, causing him to be moodier than usual. He feels as though the blonde boy is doing it on purpose as well, due to the lack of enthusiasm and weak knife throws. Now, Anthony's not very good at anything to begin with, and when the boys go out hunting he never gets as much as the others. But he's not terrible at it either, if he tried more he could be one of the best lost boys on Neverland. It's his choice to lack the skills and abilities that everyone else has.

Peter hasn't noticed him not really trying up until now though, which confuses him because when his shadow spoke to him about Anthony (many moons ago) it had said he would be the perfect lost boy. No parents that loved him, no siblings and no home. Just an orphan on the street. But these many days on Neverland must of took any life out of him, because he's obviously not fit enough to be a lost boy any longer.

"Anthony what are you doing? It's not very hard," Peter finally snaps, storming towards him.

The boy turns around rather confused to begin with, his features clearly showing this, but then soon realises what's going on. "I struggle with this," he replies shrugging a little.

"You've had time to improve, and you still can't do it," Peter yells, irritated by him. "You're not good enough to be a lost boy if you can't hit a simple target."

"What if I didn't want to be? Yes I was an orphan and yes I was lonely, but I didn't want to be some savage teenager till the end of time," Anthony replies just as angrily, without really meaning to.

Peters eyes immediately glaze over with a darker green and Anthony's face erupts into fear, knowing he's over stepped his boundaries. He steps backwards away from Peter, preparing to be hit or screamed at. All the others boys watch silently, not continuing their training.

"You shouldn't of said that," Peter grins before plunging his hand into Anthony's chest and ripping his heart out.

Iris hears Anthony let out a cry and quickly runs over, standing beside him. She looks at Peter with pleading eyes and puts her hand out, "Peter, what are you doing?"

He begins tightening his fist around it with an evil smirk, "He didn't want to be a lost boy anymore so I'm helping him."

Iris panics as Anthony lets out larger cries. She can hear the pain he's feeling and the sight of him is horrific, making her eyes begin to well. She grabs hold of Peter's arm and begins begging him to stop, pulling on his sleeve to at least make him look at her. But he won't, he's too wrapped in being the disciplined leader that he wants everyone to think he is to care about Iris's emotions.

It doesn't take long for Anthony's heart to be nothing but a pile of ash, which Peter just drops on the ground, and the colour drains from his face. It makes Iris's heart drop to see Anthony's limp body on the floor, his eyes glazed over with grey.

"You didn't have to kill him, you could have simply taken him back home or punished him," she yells, anger visible in her features.

"And let him get away with talking to me like that?" Peter sarcastically replies with a forced laugh, raising his eyebrow.

"You promised me Peter," she mutters sadly, her arms falling to sides as a frown forms on her lips. "You promised you'd try."

"I have been trying Iris! I've been trying to be nice and kind and not be evil," he shouts, balling his fists. "But it's not me. I am bad, evil if you like."

"You're a monster," Iris said angrily as she held the boy laid on ground. She'd never had enough confidence to call him to his face but this was getting ridiculous. "That's what you are."

Iris was sad and upset, she thought he'd changed and kept his murderous behaviour to when there was actual danger. Anthony was just a teenage boy who'd been planted in a completely strange world, and he just acted differently to the other boys. That's no reason to kill him.


i'm ready to give up living

college is tiring enough and then on the way home my exes Mam decided to start shouting at me and blaming me for her daughters actions and telling me to leave her alone lmaoo

she's about 50 odd shouting at a 16 year old like an immature freak

also like?? i haven't spoke to my ex in about two months and even then she contacted me first, then i found out she had a girlfriend she was cheating on but that's somehow my fault? after that i completely stopped talking to her as well

honestly some people need their heads boggling

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