Chapter 52

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All through the afternoon and night the boys are worried about the whereabouts of Iris, but Peter's being far too stubborn to let them out. He ordered them to stay in camp, or have their heads ripped from their shoulders. While the boys love Iris very much, they decided she would be okay for the night.

The next day all the boys wake up before Peter, hoping that he's changed his mind on letting them go find Iris. They even sit patiently for him to come out and give them the order.

For a while, he doesn't come out of his tent as he just paces from one side to the other. All he can think about is how silly he's actually been to leave Iris all alone at night out of camp.

Eventually, he storms out when he thinks about how hurt she could be, since she didn't have him there for protection. Without saying anything, he waves his hands to the boys and they immediately set off to find her. Timmy and Tommy trip over each other as they try to be ahead of each other, both wanting to be the first to find Iris. Then, Peter nods at Felix for him to follow, which he then does.

"She won't be far," Peter assures, shrugging slightly. "We'll find her."

"Can't you tell where she is? You normally know everything. If anyone steps foot on the island you know straight away," Felix asks, following behind him. He hasn't been able to settle all night, so even though he woke up exhausted he now has all the energy in the world to search over the entire island for Iris.

"No, I can't. This island works with me, not for me. If it doesn't feel like I deserve help then I don't get any," he explains then let's out a huff, rolling his eyes.

Peter is still mad about it all, at himself, at Iris. But he also doesn't have it in to let her be alone on Neverland. The thought of her being scared by herself out in the dark forest doesn't sit well with him.

All the Lost Boys walk around for a while, but there's no sign of Iris anywhere. They shout and check everywhere, especially in the smaller spaces where she could squeeze herself in, and not a single one even catches a glimpse of her. It makes them worry deeply and makes them think something's bad has happens to her because they're amazing hunters, so it should be easy to find her.

After a while, the sun starts setting and they haven't eaten anything since breakfast so their bellies begin rumbling. But Peter won't allow anyone to go back to camp yet, he really doesn't want to leave Iris out for another night and he knows she won't come back until she's told to. It feels like forever has passed since he's seen her (especially since he had to sleep alone last night) and it's starting to make him extra grumpy.

Just as he's ready to give up, a small piece of fabric catches his attention out the corner of his eye. It's not very distinct as it's dark blue colour seems to blend in with the vague branches around it, but he still notices it and immediately picks it up. He knows it's Iris's, even though the boys wear the same colour sometimes, because she left in her blue vest top. A small part of his chest fills with hope that's she's close, and he looks to see a path of broken branches and stomped on bushes. But the trail soon stops and he's back to square one, not having a clue where she could be.

The last piece of sun dips beneath the horizon as Peter lets out a heavy sigh, running his hand through his hair. He turns to Felix with heavy features and seems stuck on what to do for the first time in years.

"We must go back, Peter. The boys are hungry and tired, it's useless even trying when they're this drained. She'll be fine, she's strong," Felix tells him in a soft voice, trying to reason with Peter. He is one of the most worried, but he also knows that they're not going to find her today so it would be best to go to camp.

"You're right," Peter nods. "Everyone to camp!" He orders and waves his hand, turning away from them.

He takes one more look out into the haze of darkness, hoping that Iris would just walk out from behind a tree. He stands quietly for a while just looking, wondering what she could be doing, before swirling on his heel to go back himself. Obviously angry that Iris is still out alone.


finally had time!!

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