Chapter 18

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Iris eyes flutter open and she yawns softly, a feeling washing over her body that she hasn't felt in so long. A feeling that she's actually had enough sleep. She rubs her eyes and then looks around, her eyes landing on Peter who's looking down at his desk that's got maps and old pieces of paper sprawled across it.

He quickly realises that she's awake and turns to smile at her, "Morning Iris."

"M-Morning," she smiles back.

Iris is utterly confused by Peter. Sometimes, he's the most devilish, horrible, scary, murderous person Iris has ever come into contact with. Other times, he's kind and soft toned and admirable. She doesn't understand how he can be like that.

"Why don't you go get some food? You don't want to be hungry while you help the boys hunt," he suggests.

She nods and jumps off the bed, running out of his tent and over to hers to get ready. Afterwards, she exits her tent and goes to sit with the boys as she eats her breakfast.

Peter leaves his tent and smiles to himself as he watches Iris with the boys. He's so happy at how much she's warmed up to Neverland, and how they're even getter closer.

He sees Felix sat on the outside of the boys and makes his way over, sitting beside him. "Good morning, Felix."

Felix raises his eyebrow at his best friend. In his opinion, he has mixed feelings on the situation with Iris. She's like a little sister to him and she's making Peter a lot more happier than he usually is. However, Peter has become losing his focus on the original plan and he's going to fall to hard at the rate he's going.

"Peter, why is Iris sleeping in your tent?" He asks, looking at Peter intently.

"It helps calm her night terrors," he tells felix, placing a hand on his knee and shrugging slightly.

"Peter, the boys will think you're giving her special treatment."

"Well I didn't know the boys wanted to sleep in my bed," he laughs.

Felix rolls his eyes. "You're falling for her and that's not good for you," he says sternly and Peter's head twitches to the side suddenly, as though Felix has said something that he doesn't like at all.

"Shut up, Felix," he snaps through gritted teeth. "Now go hunt!" He shouts to everyone as he stands up, waving his hand.

Felix stands up and glares at Peter, before huffing and walking out of camp. Iris furrows her eyebrows at this and watches carefully as Peter storms off into his tent.

Felix's words play in Peter's head repeatedly. He can't be 'falling' for her, he doesn't fall for anyone. He's not even capable of doing that. Yes, he can care for someone and protect them. But he can't fall in love with someone, Peter just isn't like that.

Iris can't help but feel worried about Peter, and the urge to check on him itches at her brain. Quickly, she gets up and makes her way to Peter's tent before James can stop her and tell her to 'leave him alone'.

"Are you alright?" She asks quietly, after popping her head in.

Peter's gripping so tightly onto his desk that his knuckles have turned white. His eyes are clamped shut and it looks as though he's trying to stop a thought that's screaming inside his head.

"Yes I'm fine, Iris," he says angrily. He looks at her and stares hard, obviously trying to keep up a stern front. But as Iris looks deeply into his green orbs, she can tell he's tearing himself up over something. "Now go out to hunting."

"Y-Yes Peter," she nods, too scared to go against him.

She turns to leave and Peter wants to stop her. He wants to apologise and hug her and tell her that he doesn't want to be so horrible to her, but he just can't seem to find it in himself to do so. Instead, he just glares in her direction as she sadly walks away. It breaks Peter's heart slightly, he doesn't want her to be sad because of him.


IG: neverland.luke
Tumblr: autumns-rainyday

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