Chapter 46

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The day after Peter and Iris 'made up', all of them went down to the beach for a relaxing and fun day. They were all excited and it took them nearly half the time to make it down to the beach than it normally does. Iris was even delighted to have the day out with Peter for once.

As they splashed through the shimmering ocean, the sun beamed brightly and sparkled in the vibrant sky. No clouds lingered in the sky for too long and the trees gently swayed as the breeze swirled through the leaves. It truly was one of the most beautiful days that Neverland had seen, and the boys were soaking up the moment of calmness.

Peter even made them a ball to kick around, while others play small games like tig. All of which is quite rough, so Iris decides to play around in the ocean rather than getting tackled to the ground. But after a while, she begins getting slightly bored and notices Peter sat by himself. He was looking at her with a small smile, then quickly moves his gaze to the ground when Iris turns to him. A chuckle falls from her lips as she watches his cheeks deepen in colour, and she makes her way over to sit next to him.

There's a moment of silence to begin with, and the breeze makes Iris shiver. She pulls her knees up to her chest and they both look forward to the horizon.

"Iris?" Peter says, almost sounding cautious, and she looks towards him. "You do like it here, don't you?"

Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Of course I do, I wouldn't have told Sam I don't want to leave if I didn't like it here," she replies slowly. "Why'd you ask?"

"Because I still scare you," He asks, finally looking at her.

"Not as much. It's when you get angry, I'm not very good at handling anger towards me," she explains, thinking carefully about her words.

"But you know I don't like hurting you, right?"

Iris takes a deep breath, looking down at the ground. If she's being honest, she didn't know that and she did think he liked hurting and controlling people. He's done it before and shown no remorse, especially when killing a lost boy for not listening to him.

"I know," she lies. "But living with someone who's supposed to love you yet they're abusive for so long, it makes me hard to trust others." She adds quietly, "And you've hurt me already, Peter."

He winces at the pain he hears in her voice and furrows his eyebrows. "I'm going to try my hardest to make you happy, Iris," he mumbles.

"Thank you, Peter," she forcefully smiles. "I hope I can make you happy too."



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