Chapter 51

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Peter's POV

Seeing the horror and anger in Iris's eyes when he finally looks at her breaks Peter's heart. From others it's a game to get that sort of a reaction and it would only fuel is mischief. He loves to see how he's gotten under someone skin or have them terrified. But from Iris, he always hates seeing it.

The feeling in his chest was nothing against the stabbing pain he got when the words fell out of her mouth, "You're a monster." He'd felt nothing like it in all his years of living. She continued to speak but his hearing tuned out as all he could hear was those two words pounding in his ears.

So when she got up and ran away, he didn't stop her and he never ordered the boys, who were desperately waiting to get told to get their sister and keep her safe, to run after her. He let her go, he let her run into the forest as he only got more angry at himself.

He's also irritated at Iris for getting so mad at him. And how she showed him up like that in front of everyone. He's the superior one, she doesn't have the right to speak to him in such a manner. Even when she's cross with him she shouldn't shout or talk back to him because he's the person in charge anyway.

"Get back to camp, now!" He seethes loudly, balling his fists.

Peter is so incredibly angry at himself because he'd promised her, and he said he'd try to make her happy. He couldn't control his sudden mood swings and that made him even more angry. It was utterly frustrating and he was eating away at himself because of it.

"But, Peter, Iris shouldn't-" Felix tries reasoning with him.

But Peter soon interrupt, "I didn't ask for a conversation, Felix. I ordered you back to camp."

They both share a scowl for a moment before Felix looks away and walks in the other direction, back to camp. The boys each take a small look at Peter before making their way back too. All of them want to go get Iris, even the ones who aren't that close to her, but they won't say anything because that will be going against Peter's orders.


all i do is work or sleep :(

enjoy this v small update

the next few are gonna be small bc i don't have the time to write chapters any bigger (v sorryyyyy)

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