Chapter 47

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After a full day of hunting deep in the forest, the Lost Boys are all huddling around the campfire to get some food for their growling bellies. Iris is cooking it for them and making them wait their turn instead of there being a massive commotion. She keeps looking around for even a sign of Peter, but there isn't any. Like usual. So, she just continues serving the eager boys their food to distract herself.

Just as she's handing over a bowl to Felix, his name is shouted from the side of camp. Iris watches Felix turn his head to look, making his floppy blonde hair fall slightly over his eyes, and then looks herself. Her eyes meet dark emerald orbs and, for some reason, she stops breathing for a moment. Peter motions his head for Felix to follow him but nodding at Iris to continue with the other boys waiting, which she does immediately. Dropping her gaze, she turns back to serving food and only takes another glance in his direction as they both disappear.

"Iris?" someone begins waving their hand in front of her eyes and she snaps out of her gaze, seeing that it was Daniel. "I'm kinda starving here," he chuckles.

A sigh leaves her lips as she gets him some food, "Sorry, Dan, here you go."

"Is everything okay?" he asks, tilting his head and taking the bowl from her hand.

Iris forces a smile so he doesn't worry, "Yeah, of course."

He purses his lips and furrows his eyebrows, obviously not believing her. But, she doesn't crack and keeps smiling until he nods before going to take a seat next to Micheal. Then, Timmy and Tommy come to get their food and she chuckles at their cute brotherly argument on who gets food first.

Once Iris is done handing out everyone's food, she takes the last small bit for herself and sits beside Daniel. The boys are all involved in a conversation and Iris tries to listen, but she just can't help but go off into her own thoughts as she eats her food. There's a burning desire in her to know what Peter is being so secretive with Felix about, and why everyone else isn't allowed to know.

Eventually, both of the boys come back into camp and Peter doesn't even acknowledge Iris existence. He goes over to his tent with some old map rolled up in his hand, looking rather stressed. Before Iris can go over and ask what's happening, Felix comes and sits beside her.

"Has everyone been fed?" he asks, pushing blonde strands out of his face.

"What was that about?" Iris wonders, ignoring his question as she turns to face him.

"Iris," Felix says in a demanding voice to let her know not to change the subject.

She furrows her eyebrows at him but decides to drop it and nod, "Yeah, they're all just messing around now."

"Good, did you eat?" She nods. "Great, everyone's sorted for the night. I'm just going to grab myself something."

Iris nods again and smiles, which Felix returns as he gets back to his feet to prepare himself some food. She huffs deeply and rests her head on her hand, feeling fed up with being left out.

Even though Iris feels like she's being left out, Peter's the one who isn't getting involved as he usually does. He seems distracted and focused on something else completely. It's annoying Iris slightly, because it's making him a lot more agitated with littler things. Plus. she likes it when Peter is joining in and having just as much fun as everyone else. But that's not happening lately.



im literally sooo sorry but ive been away on holiday!

i did plan on updating beforehand but i ended up not really having the time

hopefully because ive not got anything else coming up for a while i will be able to update more often

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