Chapter 48

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Over the next few days, Peter is not around as much. He seems to disappear for most of the day and then crawl into bed beside Iris, leaving again before she even wakes up. She knows it's not bothering any of the boys, probably because they're used to it or just don't care, but she can't help herself getting worked up over it. It was Peter who brought her to Neverland, but she doesn't really get to see him? It doesn't seem fair.

Iris is worried about him too. He could be getting up to something mischievous that will put him in danger and he could get hurt. She does know he's very strong and can fend for himself, but sometimes even the greatest of men can fall.


The boys have trained most of the day away and Peter has been in and out to watch. At the moment, he's stood beside the boys wrestling so they're all trying to show off. Iris would usually find it funny at how much more effort they're putting in than usual, but she can't help constantly glancing at Peter to see his reaction this time. He's not even paying attention though, it's obvious his mind is somewhere else as he stares into space with his eyebrows pushed together and his arms folded.

Iris, being a curious and nosy girl, can't help but eventually make her way over, trying to make it seem as casual as possible. She wonders around his spot, chatting to some of the other boys and seeing if he'll notice her then make conversation as well. But, he continues being in his own little world and she realises it's going to have to be her making the effort.

"Peter, are you alright?" she finally asks, it coming it a lot quieter than she'd anticipated.

His head turns quickly in her direction, confusion evident on his face to begin with."What? Oh yeah, I'm fine," he responds fairly bluntly. "Shouldn't you be training?"

Iris is taken back for a moment because she was only trying to be nice, but she decides to let it slide. "I have been, but I wanted to see how you are," she tells him in a mumble.

Peter sighs and furrows his eyebrows, staring intently down at her. "Well I'm fine, so back to training," he settles on, waving his hand and turning his body away from her.

A sigh falls from Iris's plump lips and she lowers her head while slightly nodding, a big frown forming. She shuffles away and hardly speaks to anyone else the whole training session. In a way, the anger she has from Peter being rude actually allows her to be a bit quicker and stronger when it's her turn to fight. So, it's not all bad.


Much later in the day, when everyone is tucked up in bed, Iris is laid awake all alone in Peter's tent. She's wondering where he is, like usual these days, but she's also not really bothered. After this happening for a while now, she's getting used to it and she's tired of not knowing things so she's slowly giving up.

A twig cracking echoes through the camp and Iris quickly jumps onto her side facing away from the entrance, pretending to be asleep. She shuts her eyes tightly and pulls the cover up to her chin, listening to the footsteps coming toward her. The flaps ruffle and then the bed dips on the other side as someone sits down. She knows it Peter and she can feel the uncomfortable tension radiating off of him.

"Iris?" Peter softly whispers. She doesn't know what to do, so she just stays completely still. He sighs and rubs his face before continuing, "I'm sorry about earlier, I have a lot on my mind."

He places his hand on her side and she relaxes, letting out a sigh as well. She really can't hold grudges against him. So, she turns to face him and smiles slightly, "I understand, Peter. You're under a lot of stress."

Iris can somewhat see a small smile pull on his lips in the faint pale moonlight. It makes any sort of uncomfortableness between them leave and she doesn't hesitate to shuffle into his side once he gets under the covers with her. He holds her tighter than anyone else ever has, making her feel so incredibly safe in his arms.


don't think I'm leaving the house till Tuesday so maybe another update before then??

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