Chapter 54

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After what feels like a long and awkward night of sleeping in Peter's tent, Iris let's out a deep sigh as she sits up on the edge of the bed. Her mind wonders for the day ahead and she puts her head in her hands, before rubbing her eyes roughly. She jumps slightly as Peter lets out a groan, who's starting to stir beside her, as he's slowly waking up.

"Morning," he grumbles in his tired voice, sitting up and then stretching out his muscles.

Iris looks at him and smiles slightly, quietly mumbling, "Good morning."

He takes no time and push himself off of the creaky wooden bed and shot his clothes on, getting ready for the day ahead. After pulling his shirt over his head, he looks at Iris as he grabs his jacket to wrap around him, "It's chilly today. Don't wear your shorts, wrap up." She nods in acknowledgement, then watches him leave the tent in quite a quick manner for just any normal morning.

But, Iris decides it's in her best interest to just get ready (making sure to wrap up as Peter commanded) and not ask any questions. If she asks questions it usually ends up in an argument with Iris hurt or upset and Peter getting angrier than he already is. When has it ever actually helped her get anywhere relevant?

After finishing tying her shoes, Iris makes her way out into camp and she's presented with a grey gloominess that's blanketing everything. She looks up to see clouds covering the normally deep blue sky. Before she can go sit with the boys, the twins run up to her with their cloaks in hand.

"Iris!" they beam, both at the same time.

Timmy pushes in front and shoves his cloak closer to her, "Have my cloak! It's quite cold today."

"No, mines better!" Tommy claims, elbowing his brother out of the way.

Iris lets out a chuckle as they begin squaring up to one another, and then she shakes her head. She places her hands on her hips and forces a cough, gaining their attention. Instantly, they both look up at her with their crystal blue eyes and stop fighting.

"I'll be fine, boys. You use them to keep warm. And less of the fighting please," she smiles, ruffling Timmy's hair.

"Was that manners I heard?" A deep voice sarcastically says behind her, and she can hear the grin. Iris, with an equally large smile, turns around on her heel to face the tall blond boy and shrugs innocently. "Come 'ere," he cheerily commands, opening his arms for her to jump into.

"I missed you," Iris utters as she wraps her arms around him, her head automatically snuggling against his chest.

"Well we all missed you more," Felix claims, chuckling slightly so that his hair falls in front of his eyes.

Iris pulls away, seeing that all the other boys have gathered around now, and can't stop the uncontrollable smile that's formed on her lips. Knowing that the boys have missed her shows how much of a family they are, how much they care for one another. And it makes her feel as though she's found her real home, somewhere she really fits and belongs.

"We want you to be safe, Iris. Running away like that I dangerous," Felix tells her, looking down at her as he picks up his bat and rests it on his shoulder. "You could of been hurt."

"I know, I'm sorry to make you all worried," she softly says, smiling sweetly.

Michael steps forward and ruffles her dark hair on top of her head making it messier than usual and smiles, "Just don't be doing that to us again. And stick to the orders of not leaving by yourself."

"No promises," Iris smirks.

After catching up with some of the others, Iris and the Lost Boys start getting ready to go hunting for the day. It's not long before they've all scoffed down their grub and have enough energy to run around for the rest of the day. They all begin collecting their weapons and, as usual, start messing around.

"Iris," Peter says just as she's on the edge of camp, finally leaving.

The boys turn around as she does, all wondering what he wants. Iris glimpses at Felix, who nods for her to go, which she sighs at and walks back into camp. "Peter," she nods, looking to the ground awkwardly. She's not quite sure where to look, because something still feels uncomfortable between them.

"Forgive me, I got worked up and took my anger out on him," he starts, straightening his back and crossing his arms.

"You killed him, Peter," she whispers (not intending it to come out as quietly) looking directly into his eyes, but part of her wants to forgive him because she does know he's probably had to swallow his pride to ask for forgiveness. "You took the poor boys life."

"Iris stop being mad at me, it's not going to get you anywhere," he demands, starting to throw a strop like a child. His cheeks puff out as he frowns and his eyebrows knit together.

"I'm not trying to get anywhere. Just don't do horrid things and I won't be," Iris explains, rather annoyed, crossing her arms.

"You know I'm trying for you, but when you've not had to try for years it's difficult to just start," he blurts, throwing his arms up and huffing. "You wouldn't understand, would you? You've just been an innocent, loveable girl your whole life. I mean, you haven't even seen the half of what I can do and you're distraught. It's pathetic, but I'm trying to stop the urges. Which you, Iris, wouldn't have a fucking clue about."

Peter turns away, immediately regretting just blowing up at Iris, and punches the top of his nose as she tightly shuts his eyes. Iris is taken back at first, unsure of what really to do, but then she sighs deeply and her arms fall to her side. She takes a step closer to him and places her hand on his back, which allows her to feel him relax instantly.

"I know, Peter," she start gently. "I don't forgive you yet, but I'm not as angry anymore. And I'm proud of you for trying."

Peter drops his hand and lifts his head up, facing Iris who's stood beside him. He smiles slightly, which makes Iris brighten up. They're both silent for a moment, before Peter pulls her into a hug and he holds her tightly. Tighter than he's ever held anyone.


omg im so sorry!!

thank u for being patient with my looong arse breaks between chapters

it's finally the 25th so Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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