Chapter 55

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While the Lost Boys and Iris are all messing around at the training area, Peter decides to pull Felix away to talk about something he'd noticed that won't stop niggling at the back of mind. Peter leads him out of the forest and on to the beach, where he thinks is even so that none of the others can hear so that he doesn't start a panic. He likes to think things over with his trusted sidekick before telling the boys so that they can have a full plan to set out, giving them no time to waste time over being scared or worried.

"Felix, we're all in danger," Peter finally says, looking out at the horizon laying at the end of the sparkling ocean.

Felix snaps his head to look at his leader, someone who he has never seen worried before, someone he believes in with all of his heart. Felix's pride and confidence comes from Peter because Peter Pan never fails, but in this moment a slight amount of doubt crawls it's way into Felix as he takes in Peter's features. "What do you mean, Peter?"

Taking a deep breath, Peter squints his eyes and points over to Mermaid Lagoon in the far distance. "I've been noticing more of the foul mermaids hanging next to land frequently these days and not only in their Lagoon. They seem to be swimming around, as if mapping the place. And I've been able to listen to some of their conversations," he tells Felix slowly, like he's trying to put all the pieces together in his mind. "I think they finally decided to come onto Neverland, they must have obtained the right magic to be able to come on land and plan on killing us. But I'd rather die than give them the satisfaction of killing my boys."

"What should we do?" Felix says, worry evident in his tone. "Are you going to tell the boys?"

"I'm not sure yet. I think we should wait, I don't want Iris knowing yet because she'll just worry," he sighs looking back at Felix, rubbing his forehead out of tiredness. Peter doesn't want Iris having any bad feelings whatsoever, he wants her to be happy and comfortable.

"Good idea, Peter. What shall we do then?"

"We need increased training and more security, these mermaids are hungry for bloodshed. But the only blood I want shedding is theirs," Peter explains, in his stern voice. "I want the boys prepared, and I want them to have a better chance of surviving."

"Very well Peter, the boys will have extended training," Felix states, clearing the plan. He goes to turn away but then looks back at Peter, "And, uh, what shall I do with Iris?"

"Keep her training, I just don't want her actually in the fight," Peter clarifies.

"Okay, Peter. I'll tell the boys about training," Felix tells him, feeling better about the situation. He feels stupid about ever doubting his leader because Peter always has a great plan for everything that always works.

Nodding in acknowledgement, Peter dismisses Felix with a wave of his hand allowing him to go back to training. Peter continues looking out onto the sea, taking in a deep breath of fresh air to try to calm himself from the stress. Everyone would think it would carefree being a teenager for eternity with no rules and all the freedom in the world, but it can be one of the most demanding tasks in all the realms.


another update are you guys proud of me

it's only a small but tells important info

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