Chapter 60

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The whole island is in a deep, silent sleep as the darkness casts over the boys' tents, the only light beaming from the moon hanging in between the blanket of clouds. Not even the trees are swaying and the animals aren't scattering across the ground anymore, making it seem as though they're hiding from something. Peter can sense the unusual behaviour of the island even as he lay asleep, tossing and turning in his bed. It's making him uncomfortable and this feeling of uncertainty crawls up his body.

Iris, who's lying peacefully beside him, is suddenly brought awake once Peter finally realises what it may be and jolts to his feet. The cold immediately enters the bed as Peter accidentally pulls the covers off of Iris too, but he quickly turns to her and pulls it back up.

"What-What is it, Peter?" she asks, pushing her tired body up into a sitting position and yawning.

After turning the lantern on beside the bed, Peter begins shoving his clothes on and then grabs his most trustworthy knife to put in his belt. He turns to Iris just before he's fully out of the tent and points at her with a stern stare, "Stay."

A huff immediately leaves her body as she flops back onto the mattress, wanting to scream in anger. Does he really think he can suddenly wake her up, worry her and then just leave? She hears the boys begin waking up once Peter starts shouting, making her feel bad for them.

But then it hits her. This panic and worry, this could be because of the mermaids finally coming. The thought of it is enough to make her whole body shudder with an icy worry. She kicks the covers off of her and leaps from the bed, starting to get ready. After pulling her hair into a ponytail, she sticks her head out of the tent's opening and her eyes scan the sky searching the for the moon. It's full. Her heart drops.

"Iris?" someone pops up in front of her, making her jump and look down at them. Michael comes into her view with a tilted head and his eyebrows furrowed. "Are you allowed to come?"

"Well, not exactly," she shrugs as she fully steps out.

Before Michael can try to persuade Iris to go back inside, Peter is already beside him with an irritated expression. "Iris, do we really have to go through this again?" He scowls with clenched fists, causing Iris to gulp. Michael takes this as his cue to leave them to it and walks away with his head down.

"No, Peter. But please don't make me stay here alone, what if one of them makes it back?" She worries, putting on her best puppy dog eyes.

"They won't, Iris," he huffs, shifting his weight to his right foot. "But to keep you at bay, I'll make Daniel stay with you."

"I want to be with you, though. Please let me come," she pleads, grabbing onto his forearm. Iris knows that she really is pushing her limits, but her paranoia is too strong for her to be completely submissive this time.

Peter normally would be furious by now since she's not taking the first command. But something about hearing Iris say that she wants him, and no one else, is enough to make his dark and corrupted heart flutter.

"Fine. But you're not going anywhere near the fight. I want you up in a tree and don't get any ideas on helping, okay?" He explains sternly, crossing his arms. "And you have to wear my cloak so you can blend better into the dark."

"Yes of course, thank you!" Iris grins, happy that she won't be left behind. Quickly, she wraps her arms around him before running back into their tent to collect the cloak.

Once all of the boys and Iris are ready to go, which doesn't take long at all, they all head straight down to the beach. The walk towards the shore is a very tense and quiet one as not one person utters a word. They all try moving as quickly as possible without making too much commotion because it felt like even the slightest noise would be heard even from the beach.

Possessive ∞ Peter PanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon